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RE: Withdrawing cash form an ATM abroad is super expensive. This is how much I paid in Budapest.

in Deutsch D-A-CHlast month

Euronet is the shittiest ATM provider, and whoever travels, knows that :)

There's a reason they can afford placing their ATMs at the most touristy spots everywhere.

Use Revolut, and withdraw in local currency from local banks' ATMs.


Exactly the ATMs in the city center are a money grab, especially the most prominently placed.

"You're absolutely right! Euronet ATMs usually have high fees and poor exchange rates, so it's best to avoid them in touristy areas. Revolut is definitely a great alternative, allowing you to withdraw money easily from local bank ATMs."

Did you just copy paste an AI generated response? Even with its quotation marks?

I know I am right, I travel a lot :)