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RE: Alle Autoren der vergangenen Woche mit #deutsch

in Deutsch D-A-CH3 months ago (edited)

nice & cool post, interesting data -f compared with last months & years- is the german community growing or shrinking ? & with those numbers what would b the rank of the german community ? "obviously english & spanish top the list, i don't think that german is n 3rd place as i think the chinese community is bigger also i think the italian community is bigger, also there r many users from brazil, south & south east asia", it would b cool to have the data for the world's most spoken languages "probably it exists for english & spanish, & u made the german" so what about standard chinese, hindi, arabic, french, malay/indonisian, bangali, urdu, russian, portuguese, japanese, Filipino, thai, vietnamese, persian, swahili, turkish ,korean, amharic, hausa, italian, polish, uzbek, burmese, oromo, fulani "those r official languages at least n 1 country + have at least +40m speakers each & f non official was included -there r many "10s of them" languages n asia with +40m speakers" n wikipedia u can know the numbers for most used languages, i think there should b 1 for hive, not sure how much time it would take to make such database but indeed step by step everything is possible, "i know many might not have a single post on hive but including them to compare hive with real life -i think is a nice idea" again nice post- well done & have a good day