Costa Rica, Hojancha.

in Deutsch D-A-CH3 months ago (edited)


My current existence as a 'crypto-retiree' in the Philippines finally allows me to transform many of the photos and experiences which I have accumulated over time into HIVE posts, whereas before I simply couldn't find the time and peace of mind for doing that.

As I already reported on our stay in Junquillal in summer 2023, the next stop on our Costa Rica trip was Hojancha in the province of Guanacaste.

Hojancha, where in particular coffee and citrus fruits are grown, offers a very high quality of life overall with wonderful natural landscapes (including untouched forests, mountain ranges and waterfalls), a low crime rate and a pleasant, not too hot and humid climate.

Especially noteworthy is Hojancha's location in one of only five "blue zones" in the world, where various factors let people reach an above-average life span in good health.

The "Hoja Azul", which is quietly located and made almost entirely of beautiful wood, served us as pleasant accommodation.


Mein derzeitiges Dasein als 'Krypto-Rentner' auf den Philippinen ermöglicht es mir endlich, viele meiner, sich im Laufe der Zeit angehäuften Fotos und Erlebnisse in entsprechende HIVE-Posts zu gießen, während ich vorher die dazu nötige Zeit und Ruhe einfach nicht finden konnte.

Berichtete ich bereits über unseren Aufenthalt in Junquillal im Sommer 2023, war die nächste Station unserer Costa Rica-Reise dann das in der Provinz Guanacaste gelegene Hojancha.

Hojancha, wo insbesondere Kaffee und Zitrusfrüchte angebaut werden, bietet mit wundervollen Naturlandschaften (inklusive naturbelassener Wälder, Bergketten und Wasserfällen), einer niedrigen Kriminalitätsrate und einem angenehmen, nicht zu heiß-feuchten Klima eine insgesamt sehr hohe Lebensqualität.

Besonders bemerkenswert ist die Lage Hojanchas in einer von weltweit nur fünf "blauen Zonen", in welchen diverse Faktoren dazu führen, dass die dort lebenden Menschen bei guter Gesundheit überdurchschnittlich alt werden.

Als angenehme Unterkunft diente uns das ruhig gelegene, fast komplett aus schönem Holz gebaute "Hoja Azul".

Entrance gate to the "Hoja Azul". Eingangstor des "Hoja Azul".

The accommodation was also equipped with a charging station for electric cars. Auch eine Ladestation für Elektroautos gehörte zur Ausstattung der Unterkunft.

View from the terrace directly into the greenery. Blick von der Terrasse direkt ins Grüne.

At this table we ate delicious food prepared by my wife @kobold-djawa ... An diesem Tisch aßen wir leckere, von meiner Frau @kobold-djawa zubereitete Gerichte ...

And now a look inside the "Hoja Azul". Simply cozy, a wooden house like this. Und nun ein Blick ins Innere der "Hoja Azul". Einfach gemütlich, so ein Holzhaus.

The Germans are famously known for being the world champions of waste separation - but now just look at this! :-) Den Deutschen eilt ja bekanntlich der Ruf voraus, Weltmeister der Mülltrennung zu sein - aber nun seht euch das an! :-)

But now let's get outside! Jetzt aber ab nach draußen!

Some areas with their cow pastures against a hilly background made me think of a kind of 'tropical Switzerland'. :) Einige Landstriche mit ihren Kuhweiden vor hügeligem Hintergrund ließen mich an eine Art 'tropische Schweiz' denken. :)

Construction is underway here. I have the impression that more and more emigrants from western industrialized nations are seeking refuge in places like this. Hier wird gerade gebaut. Ich habe den Eindruck, dass immer mehr Auswanderer aus westlichen Industrienationen an Orten wie diesem Zuflucht suchen.

Can you see the iguana? Seht ihr den Leguan?

New game, new luck: surely this time you have spotted the vulture? :) Neues Spiel, neues Glück: Den Geier habt ihr aber doch sicherlich entdeckt? :)

Before we finally decided to live in the Philippines, we also shortlisted Costa Rica, a country that I think potential emigrants should definitely consider as a recommendable option.

Due to our interest, we made an appointment with Mr. Thomas Ringshandel, who has already advised numerous Germans and helped them to buy property in Costa Rica. He was kind enough to show us some of his truly beautiful properties, some of which are located in the middle of nature.

Bevor wir uns letztlich dafür entschieden, auf den Philippinen zu leben, kam auch Costa Rica in die engere Wahl, ein Land, das potentielle Auswanderer m. E. als empfehlenswerte Option auf jeden Fall in Betracht ziehen sollten.

Aufgrund unseres Interesses hatten wir einen Termin mit Herrn Thomas Ringshandel vereinbart, der bereits zahlreiche Deutsche beraten und ihnen zu Grundstücken in Costa Rica verholfen hat. Freundlicherweise ließ er uns daraufhin einige seiner teils mitten in der Natur gelegenen, wirklich wunderschönen Grundstücke zeigen.

Living here would certainly have had its appeal! Hier zu leben hätte sicherlich seinen Reiz gehabt!

Site of Mr. Ringshandel's construction company. Gelände der Baufirma von Herrn Ringshandel.

Meanwhile, a small festival was held in the center of Hojancha. Im Zentrum Hojanchas fand derweil ein kleines Fest statt.

And it's not hard to guess who took the opportunity to dance extensively in the middle of the action! :) Und wer sich die Gelegenheit zu ausgiebigem Tanzen inmitten des Geschehens nicht nehmen ließ, ist unschwer zu erraten! :)

These two dishes served in the "Rústico RestoBar" were well-deserved refreshments. Der wohlverdienten Stärkung dienten diese beiden, in der "Rústico RestoBar" eingenommenen Gerichte.

May this little trip to Hojancha end with a colorful sunset. :) Den Abschluss dieses kleinen Ausflugs nach Hojancha möge ein farbenfroher Sonnenuntergang bilden. :)

I think Jana is growing into a great girl who adapts quickly. She seemed to enjoy it.

Whatever choice you make, it will definitely be the best for you. :)

Whatever choice you make ...

Don't get me wrong: for now we decided to live in the Philippines. These vacation pics are from summer 2023 when we were still considering to move to Costa Rica (I just have more time now than before to write about these experiences).

That's a beautiful kitchen right there with the double sink and the wooden area, so was it the house you lived in the Philippines or the new house in Costa Rica?

This was the house in Costa Rica of course.

Concerning the interior of our condo in the Philippines (where we are living now) I might write a post as soon as it is completely finished (we have ordered some custom-made acacia wood furniture from a carpenter and it takes some time until he can deliver it).

I already love the wood I'm seeing, looking forward to seeing Custom made design

Damn looks like you found a nice place for the crypto retirement indeed. So green and so calm.

Sweet there is more hive posting now, keep em coming!

Also here I should say: don't get me wrong, for now we decided to live in the Philippines. These vacation pics are from summer 2023 when we were still considering to move to Costa Rica (I just have more time now than before to write about these experiences).

Ahhh got ya... so this was in 'orientation time' what was it that eventually made the choice on one or the other? Two totally different countries but I understand the similarities naturewise in them.

Well, naturewise ... also both are crypto friendly and both have teritorial taxation.

Both have advantages and disadvantages (as every country), both are recommendable as migration destinations in my opinion, but two main factors in favour of the Philippines were that:

  • My English is better than my Spanish, and in the Philippines (opposite to Costa Rica) most people speak English well enough.
  • My wife stems originally from Indonesia, so she is nearer to her Indonesian family now.

Agree....after moving around for a bit here as well I totally understand the concept every country has its pros and cons. And not only on the rules and regulations but also what kind of general vibe you get there. Those aspects you are naming have a lot to do with them. Language feels more essential for integration and blending in than I had realised initially. My German kind of sucked when I moved to switzerland, but using it on the daily made me get to know loads of people over there (while I also saw other who were not entirely into the language never really integrating)

And yeah family... that factor is also priceless!

Da erübrigt sich jeder Schritt vor die eigene Haustür. Man muss lediglich die richtigen Menschen ausfindig machen und schon ist man grundlegend darüber informiert, dass die Geier in Costa Rica im Wachstum etwas zurückgeblieben sind, die geviertelte Tomate es auch an den Tellerrand in Zentralamerika geschafft hat und örtliche Feierlichkeiten nahe an den Charme eines durchgefegten Busbahnhofs reichen.😉
Da das Land immer mehr vom Drogenhandel bestimmt wird, scheint Herr Ringshandel mit der Naturdroge Holz bestens gerüstet.😎
Mir sieht es jedenfalls danach aus, als hättet ihr mit der Destination Philippinen die bessere Wahl getroffen.
Beste Grüße!

Na ja, zumindest die geviertelte Tomate ist nicht die 'Schuld' Costa Ricas, sondern meiner Frau. :)

Das ändert natürlich an der Sachlage nahezu alles. Sofort sitze ich im kleinen Boot und rudere zurück, was das Zeug hält. Denn nicht liegt mir ferner, als @kobold-djawa in ihrem kulinarischen Sachverstand anzuzweifeln. 😉

Ich muss nun möglicherweise ebenfalls zurückrudern, denn mein Post enthält offenbar nicht nur ein Foto, auf dem diese Art der Nahrungszubereitung zu sehen ist ..., wobei der 'Kobold' nur für den Salat oben Verantwortung trägt. :)

This is a very nice place. I liked the nature surrounding that place. It should be pleasant and peaceful.
Nice post with nice photos. Like your little princess enjoying herself. Greetings and all the best. :)

Thanks you, and all the best to you, too! :)

Krypto Rentner gut gemacht 👍 Jaki
Hauptsache ist das ihr euch wohl fühlt nach dem großen Schritt den ihr gemacht habt
Ich bin kulinarisch ja ein Bauer aber der untere Teller mit den Chips, Reis und Fleisch gefällt mir der andere hat mir zu viel Meeresgekrabbele da rümpft sich meine Nase

... der andere hat mir zu viel Meeresgekrabbele da rümpft sich meine Nase

Jedem das Seine! :)
Ich mag ja Meeresfrüchte sehr, aber das ist natürlich Geschmackssache.

Schöne Bilder.
Warst du auf deiner Reise auch im österreichischen Regenwald?

Lag nicht auf dem Weg. :)
Aber was nicht ist, kann ja noch werden.

Krass 6 Tonnen, ich glaube da wäre ich manchmal etwas überfordert, wo manches rein gehört.


Haha, verständlich, aber in der Realität,wenn man sich daran gewöhnt hat, letztlich halb so wild. :)

Mit der Zeit bestimmt.

Hey @jaki01, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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I went to the doctor the other day and he said you’ve got hypochondria.
I said oh god not that as well!

Credit: reddit
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Pura Vida! Great article and photos!

I just started a HIVE Community for Costa Rica, "Costa Rica Pura Vida" because none seemed to exist. I hope you will check it out and consider adding your future Costa Rica content to the Costa Rica Pura Vida community feed!

Nice that you have created a community concerning Costa Rica.

I am actually planning to write two more posts about that beautiful country.

I would gladly dedicate them to your new community, but I intend to write them in the same English & German language combination like this post here (you know the majority of my readers speak German). Would that be acceptable?

As long as English is in it, we say English or Spanish are desired, but your thing will work fine, especially since we are new, and I'm an immigrant expat to CR anyway, can't be gatekeeping because of language, though a German only post would probably fail the readers there. So English included and do your thing! We'd be pleased to have your content help kick off this brand new community!

Yes, English will be included for sure.

Sounds great. See you there! Looking forward to your posts!

This is really a beautiful, nice place, quite, peaceful and calm. 👌🏻☺

What a very nice. The wild animals are not afraid of the people and the people have a long life span. Thank you for this information.😊

Well, the iguana probably felt safe mainly because it was sitting so high up in the tree. :)

Oh.. so he looks down on people. 😁 Thanks for sharing.😊

I’d love to visit so many houses in Germany someday
I want to know how they manage their waste separations
That was cute
Also, I love those pictures. They are natural and cute!

Haha, sure, but you are aware that this waste separation has nothing to do with Germany? :)

Hey @jaki01, here is a little bit of BEER from @thehockeyfan-at for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.