only you have access to your account (different on YouTube, Facebook, Google etc)
This should read, HIVE OFFERS "ZERO PRIVACY".
While the others you mention offer "FAKE PRIVACY".
only you have access to your account (different on YouTube, Facebook, Google etc)
This should read, HIVE OFFERS "ZERO PRIVACY".
While the others you mention offer "FAKE PRIVACY".
Privacy is a debateable thing
I'd be interested in encrypted communities, like pgp messages/ chats/ forums but not only for one sender and receiver but many.. encrypted community
but I think access to your own acc (and therefore) network is cared about by more percentage of the masses.. (especially cuz all of those bans lately - on hive only you have access to your acc)
Right, I guess when you say "access" you mean "posting access"?
I was admittedly a little shocked when I realized that everything I do is PUBLIC PERMANENT RECORD.
It seems like someone could pretty easily make a "front end" that posted encrypted data to the blockchain and would only be decipherable with that specific app (HIVENCRYPT). That way people could make EXCLUSIVE (private) communities (well the content of posts would be "private" but all of their voting and transaction data would still be public).