Strange, but in Hungary, these numbers (officially) are going down (of course, these are gov data, so you can't fully trust in it).
(1st quater ; 1-2nd quarter ; 1-3 quater ; full year)
National Statistics Office
Kinda funny, when we were in the plandemic 2020-21 you could NOT access to these data, only by half year later. (The explanation was: they are upgrading the system... :) :) :) )
And half year later nobody cared, nobody checked... :) :) :) strangly now they can update it within few days, weeks, when it was important they couldn't. Nobody talked about it.
(Also nobody cares, that all pol droids (right-left, all) proven to be a goddamn liar, who don't give a ... about anybody in this country.)
I don't know what was done differently here, they are obviously all the same, and in US,GER, RUS medias the "Hungarian" pol droids openly said: that was the plan, they want to force the vaxx for everybody.
When the hole country was shut down, in 2020 spring-summer, there were even less deaths... nobody ever mentioned, that totally unimportant fact... :):):) only half+ years later with ventilators (2020 autumn winter - they killed with that 15-20 thousand people) and 2021 with vaxx was a real jump...
and nothing happened... :) :) :)
still don't get it, why the local numbers are going down, when they've done everything the same way, how their western buddies. (my only guess, the russian poison wasnt so poisonous, deadly one, like the western ones...)
nowadays, better to follow where they've started to vaxx the animals with that crap, and inject it in plants. and those poisonous foods' import-export ways.
mRNA intake in Hungary was much lower than in Austria or Germany. In that light, plus Sputinik it is quite telling that the numbers are lower in Hungary...
That's hard to tell exactly. (Not important it's Hungary or any other country.) They obviously lie about how many people got that. Obviously all govs said higher numbers. I don't remember exactly, but in Hungary the last news were about 65-70% of population.
(I just checked out all the covid show gov sites, again, because of your answer. What do you think??? :) :) :) Yes, correct! All gone!!! :) :) :) )
I don't have the russiaphobia, so I watched 'news', asked russians, too about it in the last 1+ year, they had the similar tendency, back in Russia, too, like everywhere else, the numbers were not that bad, compared to western countries, and they highlighted, since the war begun, hard to find out the vax medium, long term effects from gov reported death numbers and compare to western countries.
and not so many people got the russian one. (i think, if i remember well, less than a million people, suddenly didnt find it anywhere.)
some of my family members who got that juice, reported the side effects back in Apr-May 2021, they got a 'hidden' gov statistics (so they knew about it from the beginning, and closely, up to date monitored it, just never officially admitted it in media, front of public, and there is no independent press in Hungary) what showed, after 1.2-1.5M vaxxed people side effects by vax type, and the russian one really was 5-6 times lower, but it still had quiet big numbers.
so i dont think this can be the only cause, or because significantly less people got it here. But have no idea what else. (That part true, many people got only 1 jab (around 50%), and when they experienced or heard about the effects they didnt go for the rest.)
(Anyway, that stat said in 2 places of the email (yes, they answered for it in email): 'Never share this information with anybody, not even family members!!!'
Yes, that was the level of psychopathy, still is... :) :) :) you are dying, but don't tell it to your family because the gov said that!!! good to know no more socialist, communist, fascist left behind in power in this country, either... :) :) :)