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RE: Ready for HF25 EN/DE

in Deutsch D-A-CH4 years ago

Actually I didn't know how to do it either, because it was the first time for me also. I asked @rishi556 and he helped me out with the instructions on how to do it, which worked out really smoothly :)

I guess mine also took somewhere around 9 hours. I just rounded up to 12 hours, because I was running it over night and was too lazy to check the logs for the exact time xD.

The snapshot feature sounds nice, will check that out later.


And my node still isn’t replayed haha. Give it up for day 4.

You can try to use a snapshot for restoring, maybe that works out better

Probably what I’ll do.

Yes, snapshots are super useful.
If you make them regularly you can have a witness node up and running after a crash in around 30 minutes.