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RE: New passport design in Austria. Interesting signature on the backside. How much does issuing a passport cost in your country?

in Deutsch D-A-CH10 months ago (edited)

Most cities have a place where you can apply, but only major cities you can apply at and pick it up directly since they are issued right there, all others are mailed.
It wasn't always that way - smaller centers had to travel to the next large city and apply there in person.
I had always been Austrian, but my family is Canadian.
Interesting trivia: I used to renew my Austrian passport by mail at the embassy in Ottawa. But since the introduction of biometric data, I would have had to travel there in person, over 3.200 km! By sheer luck I happened to be in Austria in 2010, and while my passport was still good, I applied for a new one at the Bezirksamt in Floridsdorf, and it was ready within a week.Canadian passports used to be for 5 years only, but now I see that has changed, now you have a choice for either 5 years CA$ 110.- (€ 74.-) or ten years for CA$ 160.- (€ 108.-)

My current Austrian passport is for 10 years, issued in 2020, so it didn't have that fancy design yet. It does have the biometric data though.

Just for a lark, and memories, I still have my old passport issued in 1961. It was for 5 years, and extended another 5 years untill 1971. I got a ton of interesing stamps in it, visas, work permits in Sweden, Canadian immigration etc.



oh cool, also remember the old green Austrian passports, think passports are quite expensive also in Canada, considering you would have to renew it every 5/10 years, over a lifetime that becomes quite a big sum.

waren noch Zeiten :D die Grünen ...

Du bist nicht alt genug um die uralten Pässe zu kennen. Die waren nicht grün. Ich hab noch meinen alten Pass als ich 17 Jahre alt war. Verlängert bis 27, voll mit Visas und Stempel, Einwanderung in Schweden und danach Kanada.

meiner war grün :)

5 years in the past, in Canada. At least now they get to choose 10 years for a higher fee, of course.