@hatoto hat einen Änderungsantrag auf @coingecko eingebracht, Hive nicht nur in der SocialFi-Kategorie zu listen, sondern auch unter Gaming.
Leider wurde der Antrag abgelehnt. Anscheinend möchte coingecko, nur die Hauptkategorie listen, aber andere Blockchains haben auch mehrere Kategorien zugewiesen bekommen.
Ebenfalls unverständlich für mich ist, warum Hive nicht unter der NFT-Seite gelistet wird.
Was sagt ihr dazu? Wie könnten wir veranlassen, dass Hive auch als NFT-Plattform und Gaming-Blockchain genannt wird?
ps. eine weitere Idee wäre SPS Splintershards in SPS Splinterlands umzubenennen, um die Verbindung zum Game klarer zu machen.
@hatoto submitted an update request on @coingecko to list Hive not only in the SocialFi category, but also under Gaming.
Unfortunately, the request was rejected. Apparently coingecko only wants to list the main category, but other blockchains have also been assigned several categories as well.
I also don't understand why Hive is not listed under the NFT page.
What do you guys think about this? How could we get Hive listed as an NFT platform and gaming blockchain on coingecko?
ps. another idea would be to rename SPS Splintershards to SPS Splinterlands to make the connection to the game clearer.
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
Without smart contracts all the games that run on Hive are, to some degree, "centralized", because there is no settlement or ownership or anything other than the native currencies. If L2 counts though then yes it is gaming because it solves the settlement and ownership of non native stuff through smart contracts. But even then L2 games can be HEAVILY centralized so there is that.
Good point, that's probably the reason why it's not listed under gaming and NFTs, but still think hive deserves to be mentioned as an NFT related coin and gaming platform, even though it's technically done via a combination of L1 and L2.
NFT related coins, hive is missing here:
I think it's tough to get listed as something else. The main chain doesn't deal with the NFTs and it's Hive Engine that I think deals with the NFTs. Maybe they should list Hive Engine under gaming?
I think it should.
Ich würde mal sagen, eine Anleitung erstellen, wie man so ein Request absendet, damit es mehrere leute machen und hoffen, das dann es positiv ausfällt und sonst solange weiter machen, bis es angenommen wird.
Mache ich gerne in meiner Mittagspause!
Hive is full of games, it's a blockchain just for gaming
Right now Hive is more of a game chain than anything else. At least in terms of numbers.
Yes, it definitely should. Thanks to the free and fast transactions, it's actually one of the best such blockchains, if not the very best one.
Of course, splinterlands leads it
Ich fände die Gaming-Kategorie auch nicht fernliegend, zumindest als Nebenkategorie.
Hive should get proper marketing and proper advertisements to reach both programmers, game developers, and real content consumers.
Hive is a general blockchain with every kind of applications.
A few days ago somewhere I read that Holozing is working on some kind of a 3D thing.
It would be awesome to see 3D video games on the Hive blockchain.
Gute Idee :-)
Yes, it should
As long as Hive is mentioned everywhere with good reviews, we have to allow it
Anything for the fame of Hive!