English below
Kleiner Blick in die römische Geschichte.
Am 14. September des Jahres 9 vor Christus verstarb Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus an den Folgen eines Sturzes vom Pferd, die er sich auf dem Rückweg eines Feldzugs gegen die Cherusker zuzog. Drusus war der Stiefsohn des römischen Kaisers Augustus und jüngerer Bruder des späteren Kaisers Tiberius. Drusus' Sohn Nero Claudius Germanicus sollte im Jahr 15 nach Christus die sogenannten Germanicus - Feldzüge anführen, welche zum Ziel hatten, die Truppen des in der Varusschlacht siegreichen Arminius zu vernichten.
Bildquelle| picture source: https://www.regionalgeschichte.net/bibliothek/biographien/drusus-nero-claudius.html
A brief look at Roman history.
On September 14, 9 B.C., Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus died from a fall from his horse on his way back from a campaign against the Cherusci. Drusus was the stepson of the Roman Emperor Augustus and the younger brother of the future Emperor Tiberius. Drusus' son Nero Claudius Germanicus was to lead the so-called Germanicus campaigns in 15 AD with the aim of destroying the troops of Arminius, who had won the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest.
It would be really a tragic death. I think during old times when there was few means of transportation like horses and elephants , such type of incidents were common .
I think so too. You have to remember that there were no real roads in those areas either. That increased the risk of falling tremendously.