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RE: Meine Gedanken zu künstlicher Intelligenz

in Deutsch D-A-CH2 years ago (edited)

Aha und dies soll nun Biologie sein?

Tote Dinge, welche intelligent werden.

Total verloren. Vor allem wenn man eben das Weltbild eines toten Legobaukasten - wo alles unbeseelt ist hat, ist es noch viel durchgeknallter.

Aber egal - die Biologie kann ja nicht mal Leben ordentlich definieren.

Und ihr kommt wohl niemals aus diesem Weltbild, solange ihr nicht die Chance bekommt dies von außen/ mit Abstand (zur Selbstreflektion) zu betrachten.

Ist dies wirklich deine Begründung?
Du glaubst dass es möglich ist weil andere Menschen es sich nicht vorstellen können und der Mensch aber so dumm ist weil die Wissenschaft sich immer geirrt hat ?

xDD geeeniaaaal

Jetzt üben wir noch ein bisschen die Ehrlichkeit ^^ aber sehe schon Fortschritte

Intelligenz braucht allem voran LEBENDIGKEIT - aber das überspringen wir lieber ganz ganz ganz ganz schnell!

Eine Schande für die Biologie.
Aber heißt ja jetzt modern: Techno Biologie ^^


You are funny 😉

Whatever we believe about how Earth and life started, it started from something non-biological. I'll explain...

When believing in something like the Big Bang, biological life started from stone and other basic elements. Well in fact, mostly from helium and some additional elements that were formed during the Big Bang.

When believing in a religion like Christianity, biological life started from the soulful hands of what we call God. When believing in Adam and Eve, in fact, we are all family, very incestuous, but that aside 😉

You seem to know what biological life is. You also seem to know what consciousness is. In the scientific field, it is this consciousness that is believed to set humans apart from the rest. Perhaps set all living species apart from the rest. Makes much sense, since the rest we are made of, isn't uniquely identifying us from the rest.

However, no true scientist seems to know what consciousness is. Therefore nobody can claim consciousness is something that is solely meant for humans, or all biological life as we know it. Perhaps consciousness is as logical as computer algorithms can be, or become. Perhaps computer algorithms can become less logical, maybe more like consciousness and humans, or better said, biological life is.

I am dumbstruck by so many peeps that take humans, our brains, and consciousness as a fact that isn't possible to re-create. It shows how many of us are living in our own tunnels. How conditioned we are. Am just very happy I don't belong to said peeps 😉 Are you?

yeah - quite conditioned to reductionistic science - dialectic materialism.