Catching The Uncaught Thought

in Health & Recovery4 months ago (edited)

A Beginner Meditation Technique

Revelation of the Spiritual Heart meditation retreat at Hridaya Yoga in Mazunte, Mexico.I learned this #beginnermeditation technique during a

This technique is best used at the beginning of a #meditation, for the first 5 to 10 minutes to help bring awareness to breath and thoughts. After 5-10 minutes you can drop the counting & continue with whatever meditation practice you normally use.

Instructions for Catching the Uncaught Thought (as best i remember them) are given below.

Catching the Uncaught Thought

Catching the Uncaught Thought is a beginner meditation technique which, when practiced correctly can help to increase the gaps between the thoughts and help one to subsequently relax into the background of stillness.

  • Choose a quiet place where you will not be disturbed, keeping the place the same each day if possible. It is also helpful to make the space special perhaps with with some flowers, crystals etc. Adding a ritual to your meditation such as lighting a candle and/or incense, perhaps saying a prayer or setting some intentions, will help to bring a sacredness to your practice.
  • Sit with the spine upright, eyes closed, relax the body and bring your attention to the breath.

  • Keep your attention on both the cycle of the in and out breath, as well as on the sensations of the breath, such as the feeling of the air passing through the nose, and the belly rising and falling as you breath in and out.

  • Start counting the in and out breath cycles, increasing the count by 1 with each complete in and out-breath cycle,
    initially starting at 1 until reaching 7
    Upon reaching 7, start again from 1 until reaching 14
    Upon reaching 14, start again from 1 up to 21
    Repeat this cycle increasing by 7 each time, so next 28, 35, 42 etc.

  • If you lose count (probably due to becoming attached to a thought) start again from the beginning (1 to 7).

  • If you notice the counting has become automatic but you have attached to a thought, and therefore probably failed to keep aware of the sensations of the breath, start again from the beginning (1 to 7).

It is important to always remember the count you are on, the highest number you got to previously, and to keep an awareness of the sensations of the breath.

When first practicing this, don't be surprised if you don't get past 3 or 4 before forgetting.

After a few minutes of Catching the Uncaught Thought, you can drop the counting and simply bring your awareness to the centre of the chest, slightly to the right, noticing the bodily sensations in this area while also keeping an awareness of the sensations of each inbreath & each outbreath. i will write more about this another time.

New to Meditation?

i suggest starting with a 5 minute, twice daily practice (preferably upon rising and just before sleeping) for a 30 day period. I also suggest using a timer (Insight Timer app is very good, and free) and every 3 days increasing the time by 1 minute, so when you reach 30 days you will be up to 15 minutes twice daily.

At the end of 30 day period you will have created a habit, and will likely notice some changes in your level of presence, and perhaps an increased sense of peace and calmness.

I wish you "luck with your practice (but remind that you make your own luck). Practice and persistence brings perfection.

Peace and Love


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Catching the Uncaught Thought is one of several meditation techniques taught by Sahajananda, the founder of #Hridaya #Yoga. It is a particularly useful meditation technique for beginners as it brings awareness of both the breath and the thoughts whilst indicating to the practitioner how he or she is progressing.
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"Teaching meditation is the only way to help people" Deshimaru

The most effective way to help, for sure.

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Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"

Paraphrased, source unknown (by me).


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