Good day everyone,


Am here to share  with  you guys about my morning duty experience today at our hospital  were I worked.

It's about one woman that brought her baby boy for circumcision,and the boy was just 6months old so she obtained a card containing the boys information and all after that I went to prepared the area were the circumcision will take place after that the mother was ask to remove the baby's diaper and it all begins when the nurse uses her instrument to clean and clear the penis of the boy and it was well circumcised and well trimmed off and a plastibell of 1.7 was used to old opon the penis so to avoid infection to penetrate into the skin of the baby.


After all this the skin that was removed from the baby's body was packed and handed over to the boy mum for her to disposed it carefully at home.


And our matron advice and counsel her that she should go to nearest pharmacy and purchased penicillin ointment and olive oil so she will be putting it on the surface of the penis always so it will be easy for the plastibell ring to fell off easily but if not putting the oil and ointment always it will be hard for us to be able to removed the plastibell ring.


That how we finished the circumcision and it well monitored and properly care for.

Thanks for viewing my post and have a wonderful day ahead