Yes I will thank you @liquidocelot I'm asking other people to down vote him it might help. I will fill this out thank you. Do I do it from this link? I will try here. I clicked on link. Yes it's making my head hurt and eyes water but I'm not crying.
I'm afraid you are blacklisted for MEGA article review. I'm sorry and Good luck and praying for you to win. I upvoted all my downvotes and deleted my comments on that ctpsilva person so that should stop anything from there. Please try deleting his comments on God Complex article @liquidocelot
Go down to them and click on the 3 dots and to bottom of his comment and right click. Hopefully a delete option will come up and click it.
I upvoted all the down votes.Please try to delete his comments @liquidocelot
Yes I will thank you @liquidocelot I'm asking other people to down vote him it might help. I will fill this out thank you. Do I do it from this link? I will try here. I clicked on link. Yes it's making my head hurt and eyes water but I'm not crying.
Why are you blacklisted? This is terrible it wouldn’t let me send it it said the links I posted in report don’t work.
I have reported to discord hivewatchers
I'm afraid you are blacklisted for MEGA article review. I'm sorry and Good luck and praying for you to win. I upvoted all my downvotes and deleted my comments on that ctpsilva person so that should stop anything from there. Please try deleting his comments on God Complex article @liquidocelot
why are you apologizing to him ?
I didn't think you should have apologized @liquidocelot
go see if you can delete his comments @liquidocelot
Go down to them and click on the 3 dots and to bottom of his comment and right click. Hopefully a delete option will come up and click it.
I upvoted all the down votes.Please try to delete his comments @liquidocelot
I mean left click on 3 dots at bottom of comment
I deleted all the posts asking to downvote @liquidocelot can you delete his comments?
see if you are off the blacklist now
Try deleting my post too and his
it's not worth it to get you blacklisted
Hive watch won't do anything for disputes between users
go see if you delete my comments and his comments.
I was able to delete my comments on my replies about downvoting him
check if you are off the blacklist now
I had no idea you would get on a blacklist for my downvotes
Oh no I’ll take those out
I’m so sorry
Hang on I had to lay down
I’ll tell everyone else not to downvote