Puss In Boots : The Last Wish Movie Review

in CineTVlast month

Today I am going to give a review of this movie puss in boots which I watched yesterday.

The movie starts with a very beautiful animation of a collapsing star falling from the sky to the earth and the place turning into a black forest.

From the beginning to the end of the movie we are shown that this is the story of a bat who wants to make a wish from a broken star for fear of his death. They have shown in this movie that cats have nine lives and this bat lived his nine lives and this was his last life for which he was afraid that his death was after him and to avoid his death he wanted to make a wish for nine more lives.

In the beginning of the movie we are shown that the bat named puss of boots is a happy and very powerful cat he helps everyone but suddenly for some reason he has an accident and he goes to the doctor and on reaching the doctor he realizes that this is his last life and he is afraid of his last life.

He buries his boots, which were symbols of his bravery, and his heroic clothes in one place and tries to live his life like a normal cat.

After burying his possessions, he goes to a woman who keeps different kinds of cats. Puss in boots goes to her and starts living his last life among these cats and he feels that he has no place in them and he is not able to live a normal life. Unfortunately he find out a dog among those cats puss didn't show any interest in friendship with that dog but at the last theyy become friends.

One day three bears along with one girl come to female home where she had all the cats they find puss in those cats but after seeing all his buried stuff they realise that he is dead but on the other side puss hear there conversation and realise that they are finding him to fight with man who have a map of wishing star.

He got an idea and he realise that he can get his life back by wishing 9 lifes again. He started his journey after stealing the map because the map contained the way to the broken star but the three bears were behind the puss in this journey he find his love the girl who he want to marry.

They face many hurdles All around The way to reach towards the broken star for the only wish they want at the last puss fight with his fear of death and defeat the death and become stronger and they tear the map of wish and nobody at the last going to have the wish from borken star.

They went back to their home with that dog who is meet with puss in the female home and thats girl who want to marry puss. Three of them become best friend and movie and here.

This movie is full of adventure and imagination I love the animation of colourful garden in this movie this is the best movie which give us message about the friendship love and hurdles we all face in our life the character of dog make us realise that we shouldn't need to cry over everything in our life we must be happy for what we have life is not a bed of roses we need to face difficulties and sometimes we feel like giving up but we shouldn't need to give up on these things instead keep the patience you will find the right one on the right time.

If you want to watch movie with your kids or little cousins this is the best movie you can watch together with your family.

All pictures are used in this post belong to author do not use it without permission.


Ohh now I see why my daughter loves this cartoon. I love adventures and I like my imaginations to run wild lol. I love mysticism too as I see the carton got a hint of it. I would be joining my daughter when next she's watching it. Thank you for the review 😃

Great Thankyou!

You are welcome 🙂

Best movie to watch with kids, I agree. I liked the emotional scenes of the film. Push is such a mischievous cat but he has a good heart too. Good review writing.

This is a really nice review! Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is such an exciting and meaningful movie. I love how it balances adventure, humor, and deep life lessons. The message about facing our fears and appreciating life really hits home. Definitely a great movie to watch with family!
Nice review @ashirabdullah