How are you all? I hope you are all well.
Vincenzo drama is a drama with a great message for us. It has three main characters, all three are lawyers and are engaged in their own jobs after getting their law degrees.
The first character is Vincenzo, who is a from the Italian mafia, and he goes to Korea in search of tones of gold. He then wanders into a plaza which is his residence. Despite being so rich, he lives in a modest plaza because he is aware of the secret that lies beneath it. He is lawyer from profession.
Miss Hong cha-young is lawyer as well. Her character is portrayed in a different way. I like her character. In the beginning she is only working for money and working with a company that can even kill people for their mean. But when the same company stabbed and killed her father, the girl left the company and started filing a case against him, and then she joined justice and wanted him to destroy the company and take her revenge.
While working on the same revenge plot, she met Vincenzo, who lived in the same plaza as Miss Hong's father. After her father death miss hong and Vincenzo decided to take revenge for her father death from babel groups (company in which Miss hong work).
Third main character is Jang jun-woo. He is portrayed as a villain in the drama. He initially works as an intern with Miss Hong at Babel Group, but becomes a friend after she quits her job.
In it, he has shown that this villain was the real chairman of the Babel group, who was doing all the bad deeds and murders secretly and presented his younger brother, who is his step brother, as the chairman to the world and always kept his own face hidden from the public.
Miss Hong and Vincenzo fall in love during this war and decide to spend their lives together. And they also took out tones of gold from under the plaza. At the end of series Mr vincenzo lose his identity in korean and he become criminal so he flee back to Italy and promise miss hong to be back again.
My opinion
When I watch this for the first time I think that they plot this drama very carefully I was watching this drama in English the dialogues are super cool everyone in this serial everyone is playing their role perfectly. This drama is belong to many genera it include
Love story
Reality of society
every thing inside it. Miss hong and Vincenzo are true example of friendship. I recommend you watching this series because the big message in this play is how man gains power by oppressing those weaker than him.
I really enjoyed this drama and the dialogues of this drama, the action and the new situation in each scene made me watch it again and again with suspense.
I think there is nothing missing in this drama it is a perfect piece that's why this drama has gained a reputation in every country.
I start watching this drama yesr ago but I stopped watching this drama for a long time in the first episode because my papers were going on and I was busy with my life so I don't enjoy watching it as much as I enjoy it now.
Thanks for reading at the end.
I recommend you watching this for sure if you are free and get bored. You will enjoy every single dialogue and action inside this drama. This is just an amazing peice of work i absolutely appreciate the efforts of the actors inside this drama serial if you watch it don't forget to inform me in the comment section whether you like it or not.
Stay tuned, stay blessed
Allah hafiz