In 'Avengers: Infinity War' it is necessary above all to recognize that the three-track circus that it rides is unprecedented from an industrial point of view. Preparing a crossover of this magnitude for ten years something that has literally never been seen.
'Avengers: Infinity War', works more like a concept film than a real one.
Maybe sometime in the future maybe we won't wait too long, Marvel or a hyperconglomerate of audiovisual super fortunes will find a way to make productions like this - here they look more like traditional film and less like an album of bulky stickers. Or maybe it will never be discovered and movies like "Infinity War" will find their own language.
Perhaps this is not the least of things.
The point is that "Avengers: Infinity War" is the genre, and while a groundbreaking movie is somehow fascinating, a privilege to watch, the feeling throughout the footage is the only one seeing Frankenstein's monster: limp, excessive, built from not always alive. 'Infinity War' is a film created in laboratory and mathematical formulas, and that ends up benefiting the most attractive part and affecting the emotional part.
For example, the character of Thanos is a piece of cork without any emotional grip. Yes, we will see him in tiny flashbacks and he will try to add a tragic dimension to his in a dramatic and inevitable moment. But the movie does not have time to dwell on excessive melodramas and what we have is a perverse and practically bottomless piece. At the time of cakes that not only does not have but also adds a layer of abstract evil that benefits it. But as a character, he doesn't have the desirable.
The movie has so many checkboxes between the long list of couples who fight and then come together, characters who believe that others are and it turns out that they are not. they are not, that he just doesn't have time to give them a dramatic context. The best example is in the opening sequence of who wants to be awesome and starts at the top is a bit overwritten.
The problem with 'Infinity War' is this lack of balance.
Another good example is in the tone: the film does not dare not take risks and prefers to follow the style of each of the previous films, we find the outlaw and severe Captain America in the same Guardians of the Galaxy film in automatic parody What. Not to mention Thor, who when he talks to Rocket looks like "Ragnarok" and when he has victims that he has seen thus far, he becomes Brannagh.
'Infinity War' does not want and cannot these imbalances, but anyone looking for something beyond, strictly, an onslaught of super-fast slaps will see the event hobble from the start. The discoveries of "Infinity War" are, as in Marvel, in the small details: the lucky chemistry between Iron Man, Strange and Spider-man.Tom Holland is the MCU's great treasure.) Or the details of the organic, not particularly parodic, humor that flows naturally into the dialogue to ease the tension. Small gifts for fans suffocated by so much adrenaline, perhaps failed in an experiment, but in the end tremendously interesting.

I hope the saga continues but seeing the series that they are taking from each character separately, I doubt that they will do another all together
With the death of Stan Lee, the production companies will do whatever they want and they will not follow the comics
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