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RE: Resident Alien — Finally some quality TV

in CineTV4 years ago

Wasn't sure what you meant with the italics, but I don think he "accidentally" killed the original doctor. Without rewatching the original first episode, I recall it as being intentional, although he probably considered it a necessity.


True, it seemed he did that intentionally. But later in the series, through some monologue, he laments that he didn't know the original doctor would drown in the lake and die and he didn't know the ways of earth. He was acting in self defense.
It may be accidental to him, but it also looks quite intentional. Hence, italic.

Since he was planning on wiping out all humans on earth, I think he just wasn't concerned about it.

Mostly this show is just for fun, of course, but it does bring up interesting questions about what exactly it means for someone to change/reform and how they should be viewed in that case. In the show, by assuming human form, he somehow begins experiencing emotions, and has apparently become a very different person.

it does bring up interesting questions about what exactly it means for someone to change/reform


As he says, his planet's technology grants him abilities to change his form in a molecular level — perhaps that change affected his hormones, neural oscillations and psychology as well and enabled him to think and feel like a human.
I wonder whether change of morality can be fitted in that equation too. 🤔