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RE: Phantasm (1979) Review

in CineTV2 years ago

I never even noticed the reference in Blood before, I was always busy kicking around severed heads with my mind blown that you could do this !LOL

Bang on review with this film. The first is always the best as they say and this is well worth it. The actual production of this film is just as interesting as the film itself. Not to forget one of the most iconic props in the genre, those Sentinels are fascinating and terrifying all at once. I still hear the sound of the drill.



For sure! To be fair I do enjoy all the movies in the series, but I honestly think Don moved more into pleasing Phans rather than trying to be mainstream.

Blood was the best! Loved it more than Duke and had a blast on multiplayer maps where we would try to be king of the tower with some of the custom made maps -It’s just a great game drenched in pop culture


I left my last girlfriend because she wouldn’t stop counting.
I wonder what she’s up to now.

Credit: reddit

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