I got slapped by a girl yesterday. Im not gonna tell why I got slapped but I noticed one thing that my face got Red after getting slapped. This thing inspired me to think why Hulk is always green after getting angry ? Why not red ? Let's find out.
Many of us know that Bruce came in contact with irradiated gamma rays that's why he is green. But many of us don't know that gamma rays are beyond the electromagnetic spectrum. This means gamma rays are colourless. And if we talk about the creation of Hulk, his creators were inspired by vintage Frankenstein monster and Dr. Jekyll (a.k.a Mr. Hyde). That's why he was created as a Grey loveable monster. And in his starting comics he was grey too.
But 60's printing and colouring technology was not so advanced that's why his colour was not the same in all comics. Sometime it appeared dark grey and sometimes light grey. Which confused the reader that "if it is the same guy or different ?"
Then a creator took a drastic change and tried him Green. It looked good too. Marvel got many opportunities by turning Hulk into green. He can be relate to nature. Many names could be given to him like "The Jolly Green Giant", "The Green Goliath" and the famous we all love to say "The Green Mountain". And that's the reason why he is green. But......... What about Science ? Is there any reason science can give about the green colour of Hulk ? Yes it has.
Everyone know that we have genome in our bodies. To change and modify genome is not impossible but still its end result is death of that human. But in case of Hulk, his complete genome changed or mutated. In some (2%-3%) cancer patients chromothripsis occur. Chromothripsis is a process in which crhoromosomal re-arrangment occur. Means in this process genome rearrange itself. So maybe in case of Hulk due to his gamma shattering his genome reassemble in this way that he changes in green.
We have a pigment in our body called "Melanin". The higher the pigment in someone the darker the skin he will have. Melanin protects us from harmful ultraviolet radiations. The darker the skin the safer the it will be from cancer like disease. Have you ever think why people take sun bath ? And after taking sun bath their skin become tanned, orange reddish or reddish. Why not any other colour ? or green ?
Epigenetics tells us that our outer environment can change our gene expression without changing the sequence of DNA. The outer environment includes our sleeping period, diet and pollution. In case of Bruce, his outer factor is his anger. Due to his anger his body releases some kind of chemicals which changes his genome and a protein releases. That's why he turns from Bruce to Hulk in seconds.
First read this definition of Doppler Effect from wikipedia
As our Hulk has huge physiology and has micro biology out of this world. So due to Doppler Effect when light falls on him it shifts into green spectrum. That's why we see him green.
After all these are the real life theories and if talk about doppler effect, Its the effect of light which makes us see him green. What if frequency of light increases or decreases ? May be we see him in a different color. Who knows.
What do you think ? Are you on the side of biology or doppler effect ? Let me know in the comments.
Very interesting perspective and thought pondering.
It is something I havent seen anyone analyze before.