
in CineTV3 months ago

I'm at the end of the third season of See, which I've been watching for a while now, and as far as I know, the fourth season has not been filmed yet! I must say from the beginning that it has a very interesting and fluid story.


It has a dystopian plot set in the future, and logically, I think it's quite possible that this or similar dystopias threaten human life.

The basic idea is the struggle for survival in a world where all of humanity has lost their sight. They believe that the reason for the loss of sight is that they are being punished by God for sins committed in the past.

For this reason, all technology and all knowledge of mankind has been destroyed. They have chosen a very primitive life with no sight and all technological possibilities have been terminated.

Maybe we should seriously start thinking about doing that today. Otherwise we will be punished somehow, either by the divine power or by the world itself. Anyway, let's smile and get back to the main topic.

Actually, I was hesitant when I started watching the series. In the fiction of the series, a visually impaired world has been created, all technological elements that could facilitate their life have been removed and a primitive life has been chosen in every sense.

At this point I asked myself; what can this series promise? I thought that in the dark age of all humanity, the characters would have great difficulties in reflecting their efforts to live in the fictionalized world.


There is a character Baba Voss in the series who perfectly symbolizes both blindness and power.

I will come back to the character of Baba Voss, but first I want to talk about the visuals and the sound. The visuals and the sound in the world of the blind were extraordinary. The locations were chosen to fit their lives and the world they create, and the sounds were given great importance.

The focus on sound is such that those who cannot see with their eyes are enabled to see with sounds, while the acoustics are perfect for the atmosphere for the audience.

The designs used to depict the world of people who have lost their sight and the way nature takes back the power from man and makes itself dominant again are extraordinary.

I would like to go back to the story of the series in a few sentences. While the people who have lost their sight have accepted the situation and live in harmony under the new conditions, the birth of sighted children evolves the story that goes in the usual flow.

And it's at this time that the very familiar taboos that we all know so well come into play. Primitive and superstitious people consider those with sight as witches and cursed, while those who are trying to bring back the old technology see it as a blessing from God.


Jason Momoa, who plays the character of Baba Voss, perfectly portrays a man who has lost his sight and his warrior spirit. I think that the better an actor understands the environment and the difficulties he/she faces while reflecting the character and his/her life there, the more successful he/she is. I can give many examples of this, but I have never seen an actor use his/her physical superiority so well in the character he/she portrays.

Queen Kane, one of the most interesting and complex characters of the series, shows an incredible development by mixing her intelligence with her dark, strange and threatening visuals. Sylvia Hoeks should be congratulated for her seemingly endless development of Queen Kane's character.

Believe me, there is an unbelievable positive difference between the character in the first episode and the character in the last episode. I don't think she has completed her development yet because every episode manages to surprise.

I recommend watching See for the depth of the story, the way the story unfolds and especially the character development. The dialogues and the plot make an already interesting story even more engaging. And when the actors are allowed to see with the help of sounds, it leads to scenes that I would call unique.

As a final note, the characters calling every piece of iron they find in the series “God Bone” made me smile every time. It might be one of the best movie lines I've ever seen. Lol

Thank you for being here and reading. Take care and goodbye!

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