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RE: Tom Hanks Masterpiece: Cast Away(2000) Movie Review [EN-TR]

in CineTV2 months ago

Honestly I am not a movie lover, actually I watch very few movies, I think at this point in my life I have fallen behind and if I want to watch a movie I will most likely look for an old school one and believe me “The Shipwrecked” is one of my favorites.

It gives a lot of feeling how at the beginning he realizes that he is really alone on that island and all that surrounds him is sea, that must be really devastating for someone who had just proposed to his life partner, if I remember correctly I think, that happened before he took the flight.

But I think it must have been even sadder to arrive back in search of that love and realize that he had lost everything forever. Those last minutes of the movie are very sad. And what to talk about his inseparable friend Wilson, I remember him and it gives me a feeling.


Wilson was the name he gave to that ball I was just talking about XD It must be hard to have a ball as your only friend for years, man. I would never want to be in Chuck's shoes.

It's really devastating when you come back and you've lost the love of your life. Thanks for the great comment.

I will check out the movie you suggested ^^