I think I know just the right person who would love this(that's if he hasn't already watched it). I don't think that I'd enjoy it. But thanks for sharing anyway.
Es una pelicula que quiero ver, tambien me llamo mucho la atención de que rompiera taquilla, asi que tambien ando en busqueda para poder ver ambas peliculas
I think I know just the right person who would love this(that's if he hasn't already watched it). I don't think that I'd enjoy it. But thanks for sharing anyway.
If he is a fan of animated films he will surely like it
Es una pelicula que quiero ver, tambien me llamo mucho la atención de que rompiera taquilla, asi que tambien ando en busqueda para poder ver ambas peliculas
Espero pronto verla también, he conseguido pero con muy mala calidad