A Dreamworks film, Shrek is a movie about an Ogre who is trusted with the quest to rescue a princess locked up in a castle guarded by a dragon in a bid for his swamp back, which was taken by a fairy-tale hating lord.
You know, I would see these memes that would say something about how there was a missed underlying message to a movie or cartoon we failed to see because we were kids. Never thought I’d find mine.
Yesterday, after a productive and very successful week, I craved a bit of my childhood. I wanted to see Shrek and see Shrek I did. Well there’s all three parts available on Netflix, yet, the first one was and is still magical!
For a work so old (over two decades), going back to watch it again, I saw things that I didn’t see because I was a child. First, it has an amazing plot. Watching it again proved it by a mile. Shrek is one of the best animations of the “sane” times. Anyway…
One thing I saw was the very predictable reasoning some people have. The “waiting to be rescued” bit. Many people have that habit of thinking they have a saviour.
In a more practical sense, we have the “what we think love is” bit. Listening to Fiona count out what was “supposed” to happen, I realised that many people of this generation haven’t and can’t find love because they have an idolised version of what love looks like. Their mind is clouded by movies and fairy tales. Then we have those who have the opposite mindset because of the negativity surrounding them but that’s a story for another day.
Then we have Shrek. The perfect example of projection and self loathing. Listening to a simple conversation between two people brought out his insecurities. He was convinced that he was unloveable and the slightest hint of that from someone else set him off. He projected his view of himself on to another person which led to an even bigger misunderstanding.
Another thing was his lashing out. It was destructive not only to him but to people around him. Shrek had a toxic trait. I failed to see it then, but I saw it when he called Donkey “useless”, “pathetic”, and “annoying”. That again, was projection because that was how Shrek really felt about himself. He felt useless, pathetic and annoying. He couldn’t do anything right no matter how he tried because people would see him for what he appeared to be not who he was.
Oh! And that one liner he used that was brimming with “toxic masculinity”,
“well, if I treated you so bad, how come you came back?”
Ugh! That right there made me gag. Anyway, Shrek was toxic. That’s an established fact, and I’m off to watch the 2 and 3 to really see if he worked on those insecurities that made him so lethal.
And then we have Fiona being held by Farquaad’s guards and she just stood and be held. I’m sorry, where was the lady that went all Kung Fu on the men in the bush? See that saying, “I don’t seem to use my brain when he’s around”, definitely true.
I rewatched that scene over and over and, it didn’t make sense. She was held down by guys wearing heavy metal, and she was a big burly ogre with ten times the strength she had when she was as thin as a spaghetti on wheels. I guess she really needed that saving…
Oh! The soundtracks! Shrek has some of the best songs, timely and delivered! I enjoyed nodding my head to all of it.
Somethings never change though. Like my tick when I come across romantic scenes. Kissing scenes and all the romance what-not make me look away. That hasn’t changed, even with Shrek. I felt embarrassed watching that for some reason… lol. It can’t be just me.
Anyway, I’m glad I saw this movie again. I’m going to watch 2 & 3 now… maybe 4 & 5 later? I need to watch Shrek from this new point of view.
See me clicking this post expecting to see a little bit of my childhood...
You've ruined Shrek 😭😭
Lemme watch with my imagination abeg😔✋
LMAO!! All this people that don't like truth
Posted using CineTV
Thank you
I loved it! Shrek revolutionized the animation, and even though is humour was really "early 2000s" has aged perfectly.
Yeah me too. I still love Shrek too
Finally with the review 😃. I love Shrek and as I read, it felt like I was watching it play in my mind's eye 🥹
🤣 I was waiting for your comment and look! lol.
Funny with what you said, while I watched Shrek as a child, I knew this cartoon cannot be meant for children 😂🤣. Truly, Shrek is one toxic mofo 😂. But with the other parts that I have watched, I think "marriage and true love changed him"
Yeah. I saw two and three. He was a changed man with small comma. Still changed nonetheless. lol. That guy was destructive.
Small comma as how again Dera? 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Its long i watched shrek, this movie really brings alot childhood memories though in all my favorite character is donkey
Many people like Donkey. I don't really have a preferred character though. They are all the same to me
Well you must have a favorite character i mean that one that cracks you up
Honestly no. I don't really have 'favourite characters' in movies. I have favourite actors, yes, but characters? Nah. They are always the same to me.
Hmmmm oooook thats nice to know about you
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I was one of those who grew up watching these Dreamworks movies that cause so much nostalgia now. This one in particular is one of my favorites both for its incredible 3D animation (something that curiously I now leave aside with more recent works that use this type of animation), its soundtrack and its unforgettable characters.
It is true that it has its cons as well as its pros, but since I haven't seen it for a while, I haven't stopped to notice them. His style of humor is one I got used to seeing and laughing at when I was little back then (imagine a 7 and 8 year old kid laughing at an ogre with an arrow stuck in his back 🥴).
But hey, I'm one of those who prefer to watch Adam Sandler movies when it comes to humor, maybe that's why I have a lot of fun with this movie too. But if we focus on the main story we can realize that Sreck is practically a satire of all the fairy tales we know from Disney. So for a satirical fantasy comedy with visually unpleasant characters with immature personalities It's really well done, actually.
Well, this is just my opinion, everyone has their own tastes and preferences.
Good review.