Movie recommendation: Major Payne.

in CineTV3 months ago

Today something unexpected happened. I was reminded of a movie from my childhood. Major Payne. It is a story about hardened soldier who finds out that killing days are over and he is no longer needed. Still he has to live on but since army no longer has a place for him he opens a new leaf and...becomes a teacher for students. Payne bravely faces a new challenge and finds out that teaching kids is perhaps harder than fighting wars. His teaching methods prove to be quite unusual...that is to say that students start hating Payne's guts. One of the of the students called Alex Stone encourages his peers to disobey Payne. This means war. Good thing that Payne was good at war. The cadets try to kick Payne out of school. But Payne has no intention of leaving. Not only does he not want to quit the job he also starts liking the school counselor. So the students plans fail time and time again. They tried to poison Payne, blackmail him to leaving, humiliate him by hiring a huge biker to beat him... But Payne took it all and gave it back as good as he took. He buried them in the ground and made them wear dresses. The conflict escalated to the point were Payne agreed to leave school if cadets get him a trophy from another school. Students gladly took the deal but it turned out to be a trap. The students got their asses kicked and learned a lesson. After that they no longer wanted to steal the trophy. They now wanted to earn it. The problem is that Payne got an opportunity to return to army. But the school counselor and students rubbed on Payne as well so he decided to stay. When I first watched this movie I thought that it was hilarious. I still thought that today when I rewatched it. One thing for sure- I could never be in military because I would hate people screaming at me. But the movie is great and I highly recommend it.


I remember seeing this movie a couple of times and the lead actor's performance is excellent and funny at the same time. One of the best comedy movies I watched when I was younger.

Good post.

se ve buena

woah is it me or is this your first time recommending a movie.

I also think that this was a first time.

It seems like an unusual and interesting movie. I always love watching military movies and maybe I'll enjoy this one. Thanks for the review.

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