Dune: Part one Movie Review

in CineTV2 months ago


A lot of people told me to check out DUNE, that it's good and that was like the inspiration for Star Wars. While i am not a fan of Sci-Fi and space kid of movies/series i decided to give it a go. In fact, i watched both movies yesterday and now i am starting the series. I will review them separately though.


So many years from now, people have moved to space, inhabited other planets, and so on. There is an emperor who rules all the known planets, as well as other "Houses" that have power.

Now there is a planet called Arrakis full of deserts and where you can find an abundance of spices. For some reason spices are so scarce and at the same time so valuable as it is used for space travel. At the same time, it can give let's say clairvoyance to certain people.

So the emperor decided to switch control of Arrakis to the House of Atreides while it was controlled for many years by the house Harkonnen and made a lot of money out of this situation. Also, on the same planet, there are local people that are hiding and doing counterattacks to secure the spices and "save" their planet.

The protagonist of the show is the son of the house Atreidis called Paul who is supposed to have a weird power called "voice" or something that only women have of a certain clan called Bene Gesserit. Basically, with that power, you can order anyone to do anything for a small duration of time but ofc you need to harness the power and such. So without any spoilers the whole house of Atreidis moves to planet Arrakis to control the Spice trading and from there, a whole lot of things are going on!

What I Liked and What I Didn't


Now let's start with the good things. The scenery is awesome and in general the visuals. They have done amazing work and i salute them for that. Also, the duration of each movie is over 2 hours long which is quite awesome, to be honest in order to dive deeper into that universe.

The fight scenes are cool and work has been done for the choreografies. For the most part, the acting was superb but not all fit their roles in my opinion but more later.

Now it's time to start pointing out the negatives. Now i have not read the books so some negatives may be a result of this and the director or writers are not at fault. For instance, we have shields protecting from bullets and at the same time knives can easily kill. Advanced civilizations and they freaking die from knives and swords. At the same time even though they all know that and that's why the carry swords and they don't even have a regular shield. That was for me utterly stupid.


Another negative is Zendaya. I honestly don't know why there is this craziness with her in terms of the directors or the industry because for sure people don't like her that much. It's not that she is a bad actor but she isn't any good at all. I would say she is mediocre at best and she is not the type to be a protagonist in such movies, as she is like the same everywhere. If she would be a side character i would be ok.

Last but not least i don't get why they have to pay a lot of money to bring famous actors to play basically every role, even the side roles. For example, Bautista is an actor who can reach a certain extent. His role in this movie was just a side character. So why not pay 1/10 of the money you give him and instead hire another guy with the same body structure? I don't think it would be hard to find one.

Finally, a lot of the all-out wars and fight scenes ended in seconds or minutes. I started getting excited when some battles were about to start and then with a blink of an eye, everything was over.

Overall, i would give it a 6.5/10 but the second movie felt better!

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The fight scenes in the movie were really short sincerely😂😂😂

Great review🔥

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