Love Hurts 2025 Movie Review

in CineTVyesterday


A week before Valentine's day a new movie came out called Love Hurts. In a way, it is love story tied to Valentine's day so that's why the release date as well. Ofc, i watched the movie yesterday, which i found at random. Even though the reviews are average, it has 5.3/10 in IMDB i decided to give it a go as there are a lot of actors i like in that film like Ke Huy Quan, Daniel Yu and Andre Eriksen.


The plot is pretty straightforward. We got Marvin Gable (Ke Huy Quan), who is a bright guy full of love for life working as a realtor. He bakes his heart like cookies for Valentine's day, takes his bicycle and heads to the office where he works as a manager or something.

As soon as he gets there, in his office a huge sketsy guy is waiting for him called Raven wielding knifes. Turns out Marbin was an ex assasin working for his brother Alvin Knuckles Gable who is something like a crime boss.

Turns out many years ago Marvin was tasked to kill the number 2 of his brother a young lawyer called Rose who was suppose to have taken money from him. In return he would be free to live his life. Turns out Marvin didn't kill her as he loved her but now Rose came back to town with a plan to somewhat redeem herself and take revenge on Knuckles.

What i Liked and What i Didn't

So to begin with i suggest to take a look at the trailer first before watching. If you expect an awesome martial arts movie with Jackie Chan fan elements and awesome choreografies and this is a movie for you. In fact merge a Jackie Chan "goofy" fighting scenes with Nobody or John Wick more gory fight scenes.

If you are looking for something deeper with a plot then this movie is definitely not for you. The plot is pretty straightforward since the start and the movie is fact paced. So don't expect to be awed with some magnificentplot twist, it aint gonna happen.

With that being said, the actors are all amazing, Ke Huy Quan portrays the "good guy" assassin excellecnt which also highlights his skill-set. The fight scenes are pretty amazing and combine the fun-gory element perfectly.

I don't know what people expected from the movie and gave it such a lot rating but having in mind what i was about to watch, i had fun and the time passed fast so for me it's easily a 7.5/10 and honestly i would like to see a second movie as well.

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You're saying Jackie Chan starred in this movie? I've been skipping the recommendation on the app I use to check out next movie to see, might have to see it soon.
Nice review.

Hello! No no Jackie chan is not in the movie, but the fight scenes are similar to a jackie chan movie with a bit funny and goofy choreografy!

Interesting! I'll add it to my watch list now, thanks for reviewing it.

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