1917(2019)Movie review.

in CineTV4 years ago

Hi everyone hope you all are doing well by the grace of allah. We all are passing a tough time right now. Because the corona virus strikes again. So Please stay home and stay safe. Today I'm here with all of you with my new movie review. Hope you all will enjoy reading this.



Movie name:1917
Personal :9/10
Director :Sam mendas

A technical masterpiece

"1917" is a masterpiece movie that won Oscar last year. The plot of the movie was originally arranged around the First World War.

Spoiler Alert

In the movie, the Germans set a trap to kill about 1700 soldiers. However, it was not possible for the general to send the news to their battalion as the radio connection was cut off, so the general decided to send two soldiers who would come to the battalion in the morning with an announcement to stop the attack. One of the members of the 8th Battalion is the elder brother of the dispatcher.So he agreed to do so, despite hundreds of obstacles to save his brother. But, on the way, he died in an accident and the responsibility fell on his friend. What can his friend do to save his brother by resisting this attack !! If you want to know that, you must wait till the end.

The plot of this movie seems simple to hear,but the way the movie is shown! Many will be amazed to see it ..! There were so many brilliant visual effects + the sounds were perfect! 6. Best Cinematography, Best Visual Effects, Best Sound Mixing Category Oscar wins ..!

Even small things will feel good ...! While watching, it will seem that the whole movie is being shown in one shot ..! But it is not real.
Technology has been used very nicely + very cleverly shown! For which I think I saw one shot !!

Hope is a dangerous thing.

Benedict Cumberbatch had a cameo in that movie for a short time and
The above line is heard from him

This movie is must watch for all of you. I highly recommended this movie to you ( who haven’t watch this masterpiece). So that's it. Pardon me if i made any mistakes in my writing.