I watched Emilia Perez so you wouldn't have to. [ENG/ESP]

in CineTV2 months ago


Greetings community, I am very happy and grateful to share another post with you. Surely many of you have heard about this highly acclaimed (and very controversial) movie called Emilia Perez. We have already seen that it has won many awards and recognition, but, not so in the place where the story is centered, Mexico.

Saludos comunidad, estoy muy feliz y agradecida de compartir otro post con ustedes. Seguramente muchos han oído hablar de ésta tan aclamada (y muy controversial) película llamada Emilia Perez. Ya hemos visto que ha ganado muchos premios y reconocimiento, pero, no así en el lugar donde está centrada la historia, México.


Emilia Perez is a 2024 movie, written and directed by French filmmaker Jacques Audiard, starring Zoe Saldaña, Karla Sofia Gascón and Selena Gomez, not yet released here in Colombia and has not even been released in the country where they based the story, which is Mexico, although you can still watch it in the Netflix catalog of other countries (with a simple VPN).

Emilia Perez es una pelicula de 2024, escrita y dirigida por el cineasta francés Jacques Audiard, protagonizada por Zoe Saldaña, Karla Sofia Gascón y Selena Gomez, aún no se estrena aqui en Colombia y ni siquiera se ha estrenado en el país donde basaron la historia, el cual es México, aunque de todos modos puedes verla en el catálogo de Netflix de otros países (con un simple VPN).


What else can I say about this attempt at a movie? It's a musical comedy about Rita Mora, a lawyer of questionable morals who is hired by a drug trafficker named (or nicknamed) Manitas del Monte (because of course, when it comes to Mexico it has to be a narco) who has gender dysphoria (I apologize to the trans community if I say something wrong) to find a surgeon who is an expert in this type of surgery, and to do all the paperwork to send his wife and children out of Mexico and fake his death, that's right, this bug instead of explaining to his family what is going on, anyways, without going into details, 4 years pass since his surgery and he went back to look for this lawyer to take his kids back to Mexico, just like that, because he missed them so much, Well, he didn't seem to because he didn't even have the decency to tell his family what was happening to him and according to what he mentions, he has been hormoning for the last 2 years and well, he already has woman things (if you know what I mean), in all this time his wife (played by Selena Gomez) didn't she notice that her husband had grown breasts? Anyway, if I were to count each one of the incongruities of this movie, I could make at least 10 posts.

¿Que mas podria decir acerca de este intento de película? Es una comedia musical que trata sobre Rita Mora, una abogada de moral dudosa la cual un Narcotraficante llamado (o apodado) Manitas del Monte (porque claro, cuando se trata de México si o si tiene que ser un narco) que tiene disforia de género (de antemano me disculpo con la comunidad trans si digo algo incorrectamente) la contrata para que busque a un cirujano que sea experto en éste tipo de cirugías, además de que haga todo el papeleo para enviar a su esposa y sus hijos fuera de México y, fingir su muerte, asi es, este bicho en vez de explicarle a su familia que es lo que está pasando, simplemente decide que lo mejor es abandonarlos, anyways, sin entrar en detalles, pasan 4 años desde su cirugia y volvió a buscar a esta abogada para que llevara de vuelta a sus hijos a México, asi no más, porque los extrañaba mucho, pues no parecía porque ni siquiera tuvo la decencia de decirle a su familia que le estaba pasando y según menciona, ha estado los últimos 2 años hormonandose y pues, ya tiene cosas de mujer (si saben a lo que me refiero), en todo este tiempo su esposa (interpretada por Selena Gomez) ¿no se dio cuenta de que su marido le habían crecido los senos? En fin, si me pongo a contar cada una de las incongruencias de esta pelicula, me alcanza para hacer mínimo 10 post.


As a musical it is horrible, seriously, anyone can say that it is different from other musicals in terms of music, but all the songs are horrible, difficult to listen to and understand. The plot is also horrible, even I who am not Mexican felt offended, the movie deals with such a delicate issue in Mexico as forced disappearances with a scary insensitivity, it turns out that this ex-narco who is now called Emilia Perez wants to help find the victims of disappearances when surely she herself contributed to these disappearances, They want us to believe that a drug trafficker seriously wants to redeem himself from his bad deeds, he “moved away” from that life of violence but continues to use his crooked contacts and his dirty money, he even sends someone to threaten someone.

Como musical es horrible, en serio, cualquiera puede decir que es diferente a los demás musicales en cuánto a la música, pero todas las canciones son horribles, difíciles de escuchar y de entender. La trama también es horrible, incluso yo que no soy mexicana me sentí ofendida, la pelicula trata un tema tan delicado de México como lo son las desapariciones forzadas con una insensibilidad que da miedo, resulta que este ex-narco que ahora se llama Emilia Perez quiere ayudar a encontrar a las víctimas de las desapariciones cuando seguramente ella misma contribuyó a éstas mismas, nos quieren hacer creer que un narcotraficante en serio se quiere redimir de sus malas acciones, "se alejó" de esa vida de violencia pero sigue usando sus contactos maleantes y su dinero sucio, incluso manda a amenazar a alguien.


It's a movie about Mexico with no Mexican actors (except for one actress, who appears very little), and yes, Selena Gomez's Spanish is horrible, you can tell she doesn't even know what she's saying, she's just there spitting out her dialogues and doesn't give it nuances, Karla Sofia Gascón does it moderately well, but she never gets the accent of where her character is supposed to be (she is a Spanish actress and you can tell), Zoe Saldaña does pretty well with Spanish, but in the whole movie she does like a thousand accents except one from Mexico, they had to change the origin of the characters so they would adapt to the actors that would play them instead of the actors adapting to the characters as it should be. Anyway, if I say anything else, I will die of rage, I will not even recommend it, as the title of the post says, I watched Emilia Perez so you don't have to. I'll say goodbye for now (because otherwise the post gets too long) thank you very much for reading me and see you later in another post ❤️

P.S: Don't watch this movie

Es una película sobre México sin actores mexicanos (a excepción de una sola actriz, que aparece muy poco), y si, el español de Selena Gomez es horrible, se nota que ni siquiera sabe lo que está diciendo, solo está ahi escupiendo sus diálogos y no le da matices, Karla Sofia Gascón lo hace medianamente bien, pero no le sale nunca el acento de donde se supone que es su personaje (es una actriz española y se nota), Zoe Saldaña se defiende bastante bien con el español, pero en toda la película hace como mil acentos excepto alguno de México, tuvieron que cambiar el origen de los personajes para que se adaptaran a los actores que los interpretarian en vez de los actores acoplarse a los personajes como deberia ser. En fin, si digo algo más, me voy a morir de la rabia, ni siquiera la voy a recomendar, como dice el título del post, vi Emilia Perez para que tu no tuvieses que hacerlo. Yo por ahora me despido (porque sino el post se me hace demasiado largo) muchas gracias por leerme y nos vemos luego en otro post ❤️

P.D: No vean esta película

Translated by DeepL

Traducido por DeepL


Thanks for the review!

WoW I definitely have to see this movie haha, according to what I see it's so bad that I probably like it haha, I was just looking for something to watch on Netflix and I get this good suggestion, I hope it gives me topic to talk about on youtube JA!, for a moment I confused the review with Joker 2 JA! 😅

WoW definitivamente tengo que ver estya pelicula jaja, a según por lo que veo es tan mala que probablemente me agrade jaja, justo estaba buscando algo que ver en Netflix y me consigo esta buena sugerencia, espero me de tema para hablar en youtube JA!, por un momento confundi la reseña con Joker 2 JA! 😅

Espero que no te de un infarto intentando ver este bodrio jajajajajaja! Okno, espero ver tu reseña sobre esta película!

 2 months ago  

You know why I relate a lot to this? It's because that's how you see Hollywood try to tell an African story and not incorporate a single African actor, and for some reason, assumes everyone in Africa has the same accent. So you're telling a Nigerian story and your actors have a Zambian accent. At least do your research! So yeah, I relate a lot to your rage. Will I be seeing this movie, though? Probably. If only to see Selena's bastardised Spanish.😄

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That's so real, they say they want to portray people's stories, but they don't even take a little time to research and make something at least decent. They do anything and then you see them wanting to be the "advocates" for minorities. Thank you very much for your comment 😊

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