My Favorite Medical Drama- AWAKE (2007)

in CineTV3 years ago

Close your eyes and imagine that you are in the operation theatre, having an operation. You are lying down, surrounded by a special group of doctors. Your body is being cut and you feel everything but you can't say anything, can't move, how helpless will you feel then?



Yes, such incidents are rare, but they do happen. Anesthesia is administered to approximately 21,000,000 patients each year. And most of the patients don't have much problem in this regard but out of these 2 crore 10 lakh about 30 thousand patients have to go through this unbearable thing, that is 1 in 700 people on an average. This is called 'anesthesia awareness'.

Two medical departments are needed to perform any operation on the human body.

  1. Surgery: This department houses surgeons, who perform operations.
  2. Anesthesia: This department houses the anesthesiologist, who anesthetizes the patient before the operation, and simultaneously keeps the patient pain-free and paralyzed with various drugs. Through this, the patient cannot feel anything during the operation, just sleeps like a normal sleep. The difference with sleep is to say simply that in sleep we feel pain and can move, but in anesthesia they do not understand anything. Through this, the patient cannot understand anything during the operation.


But during our normal sleep, sometimes we have a sleep that we call thin sleep, which means that even during sleep, we feel many things, such as whether someone has entered our room, or someone is talking next to us. Again in deep sleep we do not understand anything.
According to the document, about 1 in every 700 operations occurs where the patient is completely unconscious but can understand things, such as hearing what the doctors are saying in the operating theatre. Sometimes it hurts a little, but can't move. About 60,000 such cases are documented worldwide each year.
Imagine that you are undergoing an operation, your skin is being cut and your internal organs are being cut and you are conscious but unable to speak or move, how would you feel.


Movie Name : Awake [2007]
Directed and Written by - Joby Harold
Genre - Conspiracy thriller
IMDb - 6.5

Clay is a young millionaire, his overprotective mother Lillithe runs businesses together, but Clay is diagnosed with a heart disease that requires a heart transplant. Due to this disease, once he got seriously ill and was admitted to Clay Hospital, he was treated and cured by Dr. Jack. Later dr. Clay has a good friendship with Jack, and Dr. Jack and his partner Dr. Puttnam influences Clay to have a heart transplant to save his life (and the chance of dying).

Clay agrees. Clay, on the other hand, falls in love with his mother's secretary, Sam, and becomes engaged to her. After knowing this, Dr. Jack explains his friend's bad life and advises him to get married. On the other hand, Sam knows that Clay can die, so Sam wants Clay to tell his mother about their relationship as soon as possible. After telling his mother, his mother is very angry. . Neyer, who operated on the President of the United States. But Clay is upset with his mother's over protective nature in everything and marries Shyam, and Dr. Jack operated..


Dr. clay after entering the operation theater. After Larry is put under anesthesia, preparations for surgery begin just as Clay realizes that he is awake, hearing everything but unable to speak or move, so he can't help Dr. Unable to explain to Jack that he can hear everything and is very nervous, Dr. Jack cuts open his chest and begins heart surgery. Clay sees no other option and starts thinking about the good times he had with Sam. But in between clay, Dr. Jack & Dr. When Puttnam hears something, he realizes that Dr. Jack isn't operating on him to save him, he's operating to kill him, causing Clay to panic further, wondering why Jack would kill him on the operating table. While thinking about this, Clay starts thinking about all his activities of the past few days (which is shown by going back in time in Clay's soul and realizing Gul again at that time), then he starts asking for Sam's help, that Sam will save him. But in this thought, he can understand that Sam doesn't want Clay to live, but why, Sam is Clay's wife, why does he want that, in between Dr. Jack comes and tells Clay's mother and Sam that it is not possible to save Clay because the heart implanted in Clay's body has rejected Clay's body (the real thing is different, you can understand it by watching the movie), Clay's mother is devastated after hearing this news. Later, after some time Dr. Larry who is Dr. Unaware of Jack's plan (the anesthesiologist), he gives Clay's mother a piece of information that lets her know that Clay can still be saved (but how).

The answer to all these questions will be known at the end of the movie, can Clay really be saved, how can he be saved? Why does Jack not want to save her? Why does Sam want to let him die?

IMDB rating of the movie : 6.5 but I like the movie quite well, the movie picks up the first pace from the middle and a thrill comes.

The 'anesthesia awareness' thing is terrible, some patients become mentally disturbed, some even commit suicide, and there are cases of filing cases against doctors in this list. However, the director introduced Munsiana by making such a thriller movie by making this subject alive.
This film holds only Golden Trailer Awards.
I will not open the list of nominations.
But that goes without saying, the pair of Jessica Alba and Haden Christensen received a Razzie Awards 2008 nomination.


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Imaging being awake while being cut open and operate on sounds very scary.

Interesting movie to choose for the contest, I wish you all the best.

It must be a traumatic experience to have a surgery and be able to know what is happening, it is seen that it is a very interesting movie

A long time ago I saw a program in which they told the story of a man who was admitted to the operating room and, due to malpractice, the anesthesia failed. I do not remember what the operation was about, but I do remember that the man commented that it was the worst experience he had ever had in his life. There were even lawsuits. As I watched it, I thought about the gentleman's suffering and that if I ever had to go to the operating room, I would be quite insistent with the process.

I saw this movie some time ago. I found it a little slow and, at times, boring, but once the actions were engaged, I finished watching it. That movie allows me to question the medical system and Dr's work ethic, broadly speaking.

I didn't know they were nominated for Razzie Awards, although I'm not surprised, the leads kind of didn't have much chemistry.

Cheers, @im-groot.

Hace mucho tiempo vi un progama en el que relataban la historia de un hombre que fue ingresado al quirófano y, por mala praxis, la anestesia falló. No recuerdo la de qué era la operación, pero sí recuerdo que el señor comentaba que fue la peor experiencia que tuvo en su vida. Hubo hasta demandas. Mientras lo veía, pensaba en el padecimiento del Señor y que si alguna vez, me metían a quirófano, pues sería bastante insistente con el proceso.

Esta película la vi hace tiempo. Me pareció un poco lenta y, por momentos, aburrida, pero una vez se engranan las acciones, pues terminé de verla. Esa película me permite cuestionar el sistema médico y la ética de trabajo del Dr, en líneas generales.

No sabía que ellos fueron nominados a los Premios Razzie, aunque no me extraña, los protagonistas como que no tenían mucha química.

Saludos, @im-groot.

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