The Prestige [2006]- Review... A Christoffer Nolan's Creation ❤️

in CineTV3 years ago

Hello people,
This is @im-groot. How are you doing! Hope you are well by the grace of Almighty Allah. I'm also well.

Today I will share the unsaid with movie review. Which I usually don't say in reviews. Today I took some time to write. I will discuss my own movie watching habits and CineTV in detail.A lot of things have accumulated due to lack of time. It would be ungrateful not to appreciate a community's beautiful environment.

CinTV is one of my favorite communities. There are several reasons for this, I became a movie freak during the last lockdown vacation. I used to spend idle time sitting at home, I used to watch different movies to satisfy that laziness. Although I didn't know about Hive at that time. Then my only job was to watch movies/serials. I used to collect the names of these movies from my known friends/elder brothers. That's why I'm writing an old movie review today. People naturally don't want to watch old movies. But there are many masterpiece movies, which cannot be missed. Those who haven't seen this movie, they can read this review and then watch the movie. Christopher Nolan knows how to make a movie interesting. Christopher Nolan has made a magical movie based on this magical story. Every minute twist of the movie will not let you take your eyes off the screen. I have seen this movie so long ago, still crystal clear as I sat down to write a review about the movie today, so imagine how it got into my brain!!

It is not said about why I like CineTV!! Oh ho! Saying......I get a lot of movie suggestions because of this community. Many good writers post various reviews very nicely. From there, knowing about the movie, I sat down to watch that movie. What is the way to spend idle time!!! Moreover, the best part of this community is that there are always new contests going on here. And these contests are about movies of different genres, thereby generating ideas about movies of all genres.*

The audience is mesmerized by the magician's magic. Incredible things happen right in front of the viewer's eyes. With the skill of the artist, the magician keeps the audience stunned in the blink of an eye. From the unexpected scene in front of the eyes, the audience also became five-faced in praise. Magicians use various techniques to create unexpected scenes. A good magician's trick attracts the audience the most. However, to achieve these techniques, a lot of wood has to be burned.

The Prestige by Alberto Reyes Francos - Home of the Alternative Movie Poster -AMP-.jpeg

The Prestige [2006]
Director: Christopher Nolan
Genre: Science Fantasy Psychological Thriller
IMDb: 8.5

Spoiler Alert

Alfred Borden and Robert Angier were two magicians in the late 19th century. Alfred and Robert performed magic under John Cutter. One day Robert's wife Julia dies during a spell. Robert Angier blames Alfred Borden for his wife's death. This led to enmity between Alfred Borden and Robert Angier.

Raise your kids the David Bowie way _ Samira Ahmed_ Journalist, Writer, Broadcaster.jpeg

The creativity in the writing of the writer helps to present the story of any movie beautifully. The rivalry between the two main characters, Angier and Borden, creates a very violent atmosphere while strongly portraying the animosity between them. With which John Cutter's character is also connected. However, the presence of real personalities like Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison increased the level of creativity of the story. Nikola Tesla's skills are presented in a unique way. The presence of such personalities creates a surprising aspect in the movie.

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Any twist doesn't become funny just by writing something as you want and capturing it on camera. The story requires proper direction and matching of characters to make the twists interesting. Director Christopher Nolan also emphasized the characters rather than just relying on that twist. Angier and Borden perfectly portray the beginning of the tension between the two characters. The movie is based on the 1995 novel The Prestige. Christopher Nolan and Jonathan Nolan undoubtedly deserve praise for this adaptation.

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Once relationship tensions begin, animosity becomes stronger. And Borden and Angier also have a burning passion for each other. They start violent activities in the name of competition among themselves. They continued to acquire more advanced and incredible techniques in magic. They compete to be better magicians than others. And such a situation of the characters helps to present the creativity of the story more aesthetically.

The duo of director Christopher Nolan and cinematographer Wally Fister has given many successful movies together. Wally Fister's cinematography can be seen in many of Nolan's movies like Insomnia, Dark Knight Trilogy, Inception, Memonto. And in The Prestige, Nolan and Fister's stunning cinematic production can be seen. While performing magic on stage, long shots give the experience to the audience, while close shots and mid shots create an attraction to the magic.

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Creativity does not grow through violence. Rather, it is the thinking of people that increases the creative ability. Animosity between Angier and Borden led to a rivalry between them. They keep trying to discover new methods of magic. But some inventions require creative thinking. They start keeping an eye on each other. They question themselves by looking at each other's inventions. At various times they are known with surprising trutluck.Thanks for taking the time to read my review. I cannot post regularly due to lack of time and laziness. I will be active on CineTV soon. I will try to post regularly. Even though it is not possible to post regularly, I normally try to participate in contests. There is a benefit to participating in contests. Participating in the contest leads to a little exploration of movies of that genre, which creates an interest in watching new movies, which is a good thing. Thanks to CineTV for always being supportive. Thanks so much for keeping the community bonding going so well. good luck



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This is an excellent film and no wonder why since it is a Nolan's creations. I think this director is probably the best of his generation and he became my favorite one when he created Interstellar in 2014, which is to this date, my favorite film of all time. The Prestige is amazing and much better than what I was originally expecting when I watched it for the first time many years ago.

Bro. I am a big fan of Christopher Nolan. I don't miss any of his movies. Inception was incredible. Also, I have seen what you are talking about. You will find a review about it in my profile.