🤔explicacion de las 2 escena post creditos de la pelicula Ant-man and wasp quantumania🐜/🤔 explanation of the 2 post credits scene of the movie Ant-man and wasp quantumania🐜

in CineTV2 years ago

hola amigos cinefilos, en este post les voy a hablar con Spoilers! de la escena post creditos de la ultima pelicula de Ant-man! tambien hablare sobre la pelicula pero me centrare en las 2 escenas post creditos porque tienen muchas cosas interesantes y que nos explica el futuro de la fase 5 de Marvel y lo grande que sera la proxima pelicula de "los vengadores".

hello cinephile friends, in this post I am going to talk to you with Spoilers! from the post credits scene of the last Ant-man movie! I will also talk about the movie but I will focus on the 2 post credits scenes because they have a lot of interesting things and they explain the future of Marvel's phase 5 and how big the next 'Avengers' movie will be.

para empezar a analizar esta escenas post creditos tenemos que estar concientes que la variante de Kang mostrada en esta pelicula es una de las versiones de Kang mas peligrosas de todo el multiverso! y es tan peligrosa que el "consejo de KANG" lo desterro al mundo cuantico! y esta variante es tan peligrosa porque copio la armadura de "el doctor Doom" y la mejoro con tecnologia de el futuro

To start analyzing these post credits scenes we have to be aware that the variant of Kang shown in this movie is one of the most dangerous versions of Kang in the entire multiverse! and it's so dangerous that 'KANG's advice' banished him to the quantum world! And this variant is so dangerous because it copied the armor of 'Doctor Doom' and improved it with technology from the future.


por este motivo Kang esta muy molesto y quiere salir de el mundo cuantico para venganse y destruir el a todas sus variantes por haberlo atrapado en el mundo cuantico y tambien quiere segruir conquistando todos los multiversos y para lograrlo quiere apoderarse de "la eternidad"

For this reason, Kang is very upset and wants to get out of the quantum world to take revenge and destroy all its variants for having trapped him in the quantum world and he also wants to continue conquering all the multiverses and to achieve this he wants to seize 'eternity'


este personaje de "la eternidad" aparecio en la ultima pelicula de "Thor amor y trueno" y por definicion "la Eternidad" representa toda la Existencia! esto quiere decir que si kang se apodera de el poder de la eternidad significa que se apoderaria de toda la existencia de todos los multiversos

This character of 'eternity' appeared in the last movie 'Thor love and thunder' and by definition 'Eternity' represents all Existence! This means that if Kang seizes the power of eternity, it means that he will seize all existence in all the multiverses!


pero por suerte Ant-man logra detenerlo y para que entiendan las escenas post creditos tienen que saber que Kang al final de la pelicula se muere cuando lo absorbe su fuente de poder pero lo mas interesante y emocionante de esta pelicula son sus escenas post creditos donde aparecen los 3 Kang principales!

but luckily Ant-man manages to stop him and for them to understand the post credits scenes they have to know that Kang at the end of the movie dies when his power source absorbs him but the most interesting and exciting thing about this movie are its post credits scenes where the 3 main Kang appear!


en la primera escena post creditos podemos ver a 3 kangs diferentes y al ver estas variantes nos confirman muchas cosas, la primera variante es una variante de Kangs egipcia llamada "KANG Rama-tut" y es una version egipcia y literalmente nos confirman a los 4 fantasticos! y nuevamente nos hacen mencion al doctor Doom porque esta variante de kang encuentra los planos de el doctor Doom para viajar en el tiempo y viaja a la epoca egipcia y se convierte en faraón! la segunda version es llamada la version de que es la variante mas experimentada llamada "inmortus" y la tercera variante es un Kang robot pero curiosamente este es otro kang que tiene una armadura muy poderosa modificada con tecnologia y tambien inspirada en el "doctor Doom" y esta variante de kang es llamada en los comics como "Kang escarlata" pero lo interesante es que estos 3 Kangs en la primera escena post creditos aparecen discutiendo sobre la Variante de Kang que habian exiliado al mundo cuantico y diciendo que ninguno de ellos mato a esa variante de Kang y que estan apareciendo otras personas capacez de matar a variantes de Kangs muy fuertes y no se pueden permitir que otras personas derroten a sus variantes y no pueden perder el tiempo y tienen que reaccionar de manera inmediata porque no puede seguir pasando que otras personas ajenas a Kangs derroten a sus variantes porque pondria en peligro todo lo que han logrado.

In the first post credits scene we can see 3 different kangs and when seeing these variants they confirm many things, the first variant is a variant of Egyptian Kangs called 'KANG Rama-tut' and it is an Egyptian version and they literally confirm the 4 of us fantastic! and again they mention doctor Doom because this variant of kang finds doctor Doom's plans to travel in time and travels to Egyptian times and becomes pharaoh! the second version is called the version that is the most experienced variant called 'immortus' and the third variant is a robot Kang but interestingly this is another kang that has a very powerful armor modified with technology and also inspired by 'doctor Doom' and this variant of kang is called in the comics as 'scarlet kang' but the interesting thing is that these 3 Kangs in the first post credits scene appear arguing about the Variant of Kang that they had exiled to the quantum world and saying that none of them killed that Kang variant and that other people are appearing capable of killing very strong Kang variants and they can't allow other people to defeat their variants and they can't waste time and they have to react immediately because it can't keep happening that other people outside of Kangs defeat their variants because it would jeopardize everything they have achieved.

Pero despues que en esta discusion de Kangs uno de dice al otro... A quien has convocado? y el otro Kang le responde " a Todos! y empiezan a aparecer en un Stadium miles o millones de Kangs!

But after in this discussion of Kangs one of them says to the other... Who have you summoned? and the other Kang answers 'Everyone!' and thousands or millions of Kangs begin to appear in a Stadium!


esto confirmaria la teoria de que existen muchas variantes de Kangs pero solo existen 3 Kangs principales que lideran a todos y pudimos ver esta referencia en la serie de Loki y en sus escenas filtradas donde se puede ver a loki destruyendo una pader y aparecen 3 Kangs! y esta escena filtrada de la serie de Loki 2 nos conecta directamente a la segunda escena post credito!

This would confirm the theory that there are many variants of Kangs but there are only 3 main Kangs that lead everyone and we could see this reference in the Loki series and in its leaked scenes where Loki can be seen destroying a pader and 3 Kangs appear! and this leaked scene from the Loki 2 series connects us directly to the second post credit scene!


en la segunda Escena post creditos aparece otra variante de Kang llamada "victor timely" esta es una variante muy interesante que aparece en los comics donde aparece haciendo un discurso.

In the second post credits scene another variant of Kang appears called 'victor timely' this is a very interesting variant that appears in the comics where he appears making a speech.


despues aparece Mobius en el publico donde Kang estaba haciendo el discurso y le dice a Loki "tu dijeste que era aterrador"

then Mobius appears in the audience where Kang was making the speech and tells Loki 'you said it was terrifying'


pero Loki le responde "en efecto, es aterrador"

but Loki replies 'indeed, it's terrifying'


Esta segunda escena post credito nos confirman las conexiones que tienen las series con las peliculas de Marvel! y nos podrian confirmar que el villano de la proxima serie de Loki sea esta variante de Kang llamada "Victor Timely" esta variante se le conoce como Kang el inventor y estoy seguro que veremos mas de esta version de Kang en la proxima serie de Loki 2 porque sera el villano principal o uno de los villanos de esta proxima serie de loki

This second post credit scene confirms the connections that the series have with the Marvel movies! and could you confirm that the villain of the next Loki series is this variant of Kang called 'Victor Timely' this variant is known as Kang the inventor and I'm sure we'll see more of this version of Kang in the next Loki 2 series because it will be the main villain or one of the villains of this next series of loki

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