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RE: Inception is a movie that will blow your mind.

in CineTV2 years ago

I had to see this film several times, to analyze different aspects, which as a writer were interesting to me.

In fact, on several occasions I used the idea to write stories, which were very well received.

Sounds like an interesting movie.


It is somewhat complicated, out of the ordinary and with terms and situations that are not very well known. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to watch it several times, as it happened to me.

Yes, they are definitely those kinds of movies like "Interstellar" that you have to put a magnifying glass on because they are interesting.

In the vein of interesting movies, although it has nothing to do with the movie your post is about, I want to recommend "Irreversible", an interesting way of making movies, a weird movie without a doubt, but one that I've always liked.

IF you don't know her, I suggest you see her, it's a bizarre experience I warn you, but very cool.