The part of Peter Jackson's Get Back that moves me to the verge of tears is when Paul McCartney creates, out of thin air, the song that gives the film its title.
It's a beautiful moment where we can see before us the creative process of a true artist, who not only relies on his sheer talent, but who strives and works to achieve a work of art... even strumming the bass as if it were a guitar! Here there were no excuses, it wasn't the perfect moment (the working environment was horrible), it wasn't the ideal tool, but a great song was composed.
La parte de Get Back de Peter Jackson que me emociona al borde de las lágrimas es cuando Paul McCartney crea, de la nada, la canción que da título a la película.
Es un hermoso momento donde podemos ver ante nosotros el proceso creativo de un artista de verdad, que no solo se basa en su talento puro, sino que se esfuerza y trabaja para lograr una obra de arte... incluso rasgando el bajo como si fuera una guitarra! Aquí no hubo excusas, no era el momento perfecto (el ambiente de trabajo era horrible), no era la herramienta ideal , pero una gran canción fue compuesta.
You are right. You can see at that moment the creativity that these persons had. It was a eye opening documentary from many aspects.
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