Cinetv Contest: Kung Fu Nostalgia In "Drunken Master" A Childhood Classic

in CineTV6 days ago

Many years ago, in my early teen age, we moved in with dad after staying a long time with grandma. I can still remember we didn't watch anything else aside animated cartoons like snowhite, Lion king and a few others until we joined dad in the city who had an old CD player.

Dad was mostly at work during the day so the only time we got the chance to see a movie was at night after our bath and dinner. It was like dad's favourite movie collection was the only disk we had then. No matter the number of times we watched it, dad would make it fun to watch again.

"Jackie Chan Collection" was dad's favourite and it had a lot of movies from the actor in it. There was "The Forbidden Kingdom, Snake In The Eagle's shadow and Iron Mask" that I can remember, we had two different collections then, all were filled with movies of the same actor.

Image from Imdb

The one that stick most, the one we all loved to repeat over and over from all the collections we had was "Drunken Master", a comedy show of Kung Fu. If I remember correctly, it was among the first action movies I saw and it boosted my excited to see more Kung Fu movies back then.

There's no way I'd be able to review this movie and not make mistakes with what I remember from it so I'm choosing not to say much about the movie itself aside the main thing I remember and that is, It is a movie about a guy who had to learn Kung Fu from a master who drinks a lot.

I can still remember how excited we get whenever the main lead Jackie Chan gets drunk and displays his Kung Fu skills, defeating his opponents in the most funniest ways. Funny lines like "I will kill you and you will die" or "Say your last prayers, you are about to die" was hilarious.

Dad will always make remarks and try to give spoilers whenever we are watching this favorite movie of his, but it didn't act as spoiler for us since we knew what was going to happen next too. Instead, it created a memory for us that when I think back now, I feel nostalgic of time.

I still don't understand why but my siblings and I were made to believe that Bruce Lee gave birth to Jackie Chan and Jackie Chan gave birth to Jet Li because they all fought with Kung Fu 😂 it's an obvious lie now but we believed it and used it as an excuse to watch their movies alongside too.

The movie also reminds me that I'm not getting any younger, I was so little when I was watching this over 30years old movie. I think there was a second part of the movie, still an old one but I don't remember any scene from it. I never saw the movie alone, it was always with my family.

I watched the trailer while getting this post ready and I'm surprised that some scenes still made me laugh like it did back then, I was thinking I'll ask myself what I found funny in such an old movie when I see it again but that wasn't the case at all. It's indeed a childhood classic for me.

I saw Jackie Chan in a recent movie called "Hidden Strike" and I just kept smiling and reminiscing his old movies, it was really nice to see how big he has grown in the movie industry over the years. Thanks to him, my dad had a favourite and my siblings and I had a blast of it.


I have seen it while I was a child and as far as I can remember I enjoyed it in that time although my understanding power was not so good like now.

Haha I can relate 😂
It was fun then

This right here is a legendary movie, one that can never fade away despite the number of years passed by. For every time I watch the movie I enjoy it as if I'm watching it for me first time. Nice review

Haha you're right! I laughed when I watched the trailer again yesterday.

I really enjoyed the movie too. I can't stop laughing.

Lol I know right!

Oh my oh my.
I enjoyed watching this movie back then oo
I love the drunken master with his amazing kung full skills 😂😂😂

Lol a legend, this movie was 😂

Jackie Chan was really one of the actors that made our childhood memorable

He really was 😊