Hello friends, welcome to my blog, this past weekend I watched this movie from Netflix streaming network, directed by John Hamburg, and starring Mark Wahlberg and Kevin Hart. The film is a family comedy that portrays the story of two friends, who grow up as brothers, but as they get older and one of them gets married, things change and they are no longer what they were before. Something I liked about this movie is that many of us can identify with some of the characters. Maintaining childhood friendships while growing up is not an easy thing to do, and as we grow older our tastes, priorities and way of seeing things change and don't agree with our friends.
Hola amigos, bienvenidos a mi blog, este fin de semana pasado vi esta película de la cadena de streaming Netflix, dirigida por John Hamburg, y protagonizada por Mark Wahlberg y Kevin Hart. La cinta es una comedia familiar que retrata la historia de dos amigos, que crecen como hermanos, pero al ir creciendo y uno de ellos casarse, las cosas cambian y ya no son lo que eran antes. Algo que me gusto de esta película es que muchos podemos identificarnos con alguno de los personajes. Mantener amistades de la niñez y mientras va creciendo no es algo fácil, en ese ir creciendo muchas veces nuestros gustos, prioridades y manera de ver las cosas cambian y no concuerdan con nuestros amigos.

Me Time, portrays that and other things that when we become adults and have responsibilities our time changes and we only concentrate on those responsibilities leaving behind many times to dedicate time for us. I really liked that the film in a subtle way shows us when one of the friends gets married, while the other remains single, for me this is one of the litmus tests of how strong the friendship is. The changes for those who get married with the responsibilities of having a partner and then children, make the priorities be different, and for those friends who remain single often do not understand and feel abandoned, which causes those friends to end up moving away. Keeping in touch and making them feel part of the family is what makes the friendship last.
Me Time, retrata eso y otras de las cosas que al convertirnos en adultos y tener responsabilidades nuestro tiempo cambia y solo nos concentramos en esas responsabilidades dejando atrás muchas veces dedicar tiempo para nosotros. Me gustó mucho la que la cinta de una manera sutil nos muestre cuando uno de los amigos se casa, mientras el otro sigue soltero, para mí esta es una de las pruebas de fuego de que tan fuerte es la amistad. Los cambios para lo que se casan con las responsabilidades de tener pareja y luego los hijos, hacen que las prioridades sean otras, y para esos amigos que permanecen solteros muchas veces no entienden y se sienten abandonados, lo que ocasiona que esos amigos terminen alejándose. Mantener el contacto y hacerlos sentir parte de la familia es lo que hace que la amistad perdure.

Another of the points that the film touches on is the time we dedicate to ourselves, our dreams, the things we want to do, our hobbies. When you get married and have children your world changes, work and children take up almost all your time and you forget to do the things you like because the important thing is to keep up the pace to be with them. The film reminds us that we are also valuable and that as long as we are well, we will be able to be better for our families and friends. I think this is the essence of the film that in a funny way shows us the stages of these two friends Sonny Fisher (Kevin) and Huck Dembo (Mark), who delight us with their madness to make us laugh.
Otros de los puntos que toca la cinta es el tiempo que dedicamos a nosotros, nuestros sueños, las cosas que queremos hacer, los hobbies. Al casarte y tener niños tu mundo cambia, el trabajo y los hijos ocupa casi todo tu tiempo y te olvidas de hacer las cosas que te gustan porque lo importante es mantener el ritmo para estar con ellos. La película nos recuerda que nosotros también somos valiosos y que en la medida que estemos bien, seremos capaces de ser mejores para nuestras familias y amigos. Creo que esta es la esencia de la cinta que de una manera divertida nos va mostrando las etapas de estos dos amigos Sonny Fisher (Kevin) y Huck Dembo (Mark), quienes nos deleitan con sus locuras para hacernos reír.

The negative side of the film is that many of the crazy things we see in the film are somewhat forced, to try to make us laugh in the style of the three stooges. Another thing is that they don't go deep into the friendship of these men, who stop seeing each other for some time and then meet again. The character of Huck (Mark), is the eternal Peter Pan who refuses to grow up until he realizes that he has no one by his side, a family like his friend's, something that is not exploited in the film. It would have been interesting to see some drama in the performance of this character to see his change and accept that it is time to grow up.
Lo negativo de la cinta, es que muchas de las locuras que vemos en la cinta se ven algo forzadas, para tratar de hacernos reír muy al estilo de los tres chiflados. Otra de las cosas es que no profundizan en la amistad de estos hombres, quienes dejan de verse por algún tiempo y luego se reencuentran. El personaje de Huck (Mark), es el eterno Peter Pan que se niega a crecer hasta que se da cuenta de que no tiene a nadie a su lado, una familia como la de su amigo, cosa que no se explota en la cinta. Hubiera sido interesante ver un poco de drama en la actuación de este personaje para ver su cambio y aceptar que es tiempo de madurar.

In short, this film is entertaining, it has good moments that will make you laugh and enjoy, having a nice time with your family. If you see it only under this premise you will like it, the performances and the cast are good, but its plot is predictable, despite this in my opinion it is worth watching it to relax for a while without thinking.
En definitiva, esta cinta es entretenida, tiene buenos momentos que te harán reír y disfrutar, pasando un momento agradable en familia. Si la ves solo bajo esta premisa te gustará, las actuaciones y el elenco son buenas, pero su trama es predecible, a pesar de ello en mi opinión vale la pena verla para relajarse un rato sin pensar.

Official Trailer

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Have the review of this film as my draft in my docs, was feeling really lazy to complete it and here it is, you just reviewed it. Lol. I love any movie that stars Kevin Hart, he's an amazing actor, with a cool sense of humor. This one was indeed nice
Kevin is a great comedian and lately he has been very active making movies, he is within his madness you touch important points and I find it interesting that he does it within the comedy. Thanks for reading, regards :)
Yeah, he's mostly in comedies and actions. Greetings
It looks like a movie to relax right?

This is how to relax. Regards :)
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