Resumen de la pelicula El cielo si existe/summary of the movie heaven if it exists esp/eng

in CineTVlast year (edited)

La Pelicula empieza en Lituania dia presente , con una chica inspirada pintando a Jesucristo. De ahi salta a Nebraska dia presente.

The film begins in present day Lithuania, with an inspired girl painting Jesus Christ. From there it jumps to present day Nebraska.

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Se puede ver que tod el esposo, tiene varios trabajos, es como constratista , tambien entrenador y hasta bombero, hay un primer plano trabajandoo, plano general del camino, bonitos paisajesYou can see that all the husband, he has several jobs, he is as a contractor, also a trainer and even a fireman, there is a close-up working, general shot of the road, beautiful scenery.

You can see that all the husband, he has several jobs, he is as a contractor, also a trainer and even a fireman, there is a close-up working, general shot of the road, beautiful scenery.




La esposa dirige un coro de la iglesia y estan practicando en la casa. El papa llega a la casa y esta hablando con su hijo cuando lo llaman por que necesitan su ayuda en el hospital por que es pastor tambien. Van al hospital y rezan por una persona que esta muy enferma
The wife directs a church choir and they are practicing in the house. The father comes home and is talking to his son when they call him because they need his help at the hospital because he is a pastor too. They go to the hospital and pray for a person who is very sick.

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Punto de giro, conflicto
Estan jugando beisbol y Tood se fractura la pierna, 2 punto de giro Tod tiene que ir a la clinica tiene calculo renal tambien

Turning point, conflict They are playing baseball and Tood breaks his leg, 2 pivot point Tod has to go to the clinic he has kidney stones as well

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Van de paseo a un jardin botanico y van cantando la cancion we will rock de Queen, y en el jardin hay una araña pero Colton le da miedo y no la agarra.

They go for a walk to a botanical garden and go singing the song we will rock by Queen, and in the garden there is a spider but Colton is afraid of it and does not grab it

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De regreso Colton y la hermana estan muy enfermos, lo llevan a la clinica y es apendicitis lo operan, Tod esta bravo con Dios y le reclama, la mama esta llamando por telefono.
On the way back Colton and the sister are very sick, they take him to the clinic and it's appendicitis, they operate on him, the mother is calling on the phone.

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Colton sale bien de la operacion, y le dice al papa que quiere ir a ver las arañas, ahora no le tiene miedo a las arañas y las agarra.
Colton comes out of the operation well, and tells his dad that he wants to go see the spiders, now he is not afraid of spiders and grabs them.

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Nunca debemos tener miedo, le dice Colton al papa, y en el parque le cuenta que los ángeles le cantaron, en el hospital que se elevó cuando lo estaban operando y vio a la mama hablando por teléfono y al papa reclamando a Dios.
Tod trata de contarle a la esposa lo que Colton dice pero ella lo evade, y que tiene mucha imaginación,

We should never be afraid, Colton tells the father, and in the park he tells him that the angels sang to him, in the hospital that he was lifted up when they were operating on him and he saw the mother talking on the phone and the father claiming to God.
Tod tries to tell the wife what Colton says but she evades him, and that he has a great imagination,

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Tod invita a el hijo a tomar malteada y a que le cuente como fue el viaje al cielo, Colton le cuenta que los angeles cantaron, y que vio a Jesus.
Tod invites his son for a milkshake and to tell him about the trip to heaven, Colton tells him that the angels sang, and that he saw Jesus.

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Tod invita a el hijo a tomar malteada y a que le cuente cómo fue el viaje al cielo, Colton le cuenta que los ángeles cantaron, y que vio a Jesus. Tod hace una cita con una psicóloga y le comenta lo que dice Colton, ella descalifica la historia y le dice que antes de la muerte el cerebro genera hormonas que causan sensación de paz, La doctora le pregunta si duda de la fe de ella o de la de él mismo.
od invites his son to have a milkshake and to tell him about the trip to heaven, Colton tells him that the angels sang, and that he saw Jesus. Tod makes an appointment with a psychologist and tells her what Colton says, she disqualifies the story and tells him that before death the brain generates hormones that cause a sense of peace, the doctor asks him if he doubts her faith or his own.

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2da opinión, ahora Tod le pide ayuda a su amigo que opine sobre Colton, el amigo le dice que hable con el corazon, Tod dice que sera el hazme reír del pueblo si cuenta lo que dice Colton.
2nd opinion, now Tod asks his friend for help to give his opinion about Colton, the friend tells him to speak from the heart, Tod says he will be the laughingstock of the town if he tells what Colton says.

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Le toca hablar en la iglesia, y le preguntan si Colton fue al cielo y el dice se que vio algo y parece el cielo, pero habla dudoso.
It's his turn to speak at church, and they ask him if Colton went to heaven and he says he saw something and it looks like heaven, but he speaks doubtfully....

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Colton ve de nuevo un angel, y viene Jesus al parque y le presenta a su hermana que no nacio, y habla con ella.

Despues Tod esta hablando con las autoridades de la Iglesia, les perturba la historia de Colton de que fue al cielo, y le dan una licencia para que descanse y vea que va hacer, por que lo ven confundido, ademas le dicen que van a buscarle un sustituto.

Colton sees an angel again, and Jesus comes to the park and introduces him to his unborn sister, and talks to her.

After Tod is talking to the Church authorities, they are disturbed by Colton's story that he went to heaven, and they give him a leave of absence to rest and see what he is going to do, because they see him confused, and they tell him that they are going to look for a substitute for him.

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2da opinión, ahora Tod le pide ayuda a su amigo que opine sobre Colton, el amigo le dice que hable con el corazon, Tod dice que sera el hazme reír del pueblo si cuenta lo que dice Colton.


2nd opinion, now Tod asks his friend for help to give his opinion about Colton, the friend tells him to speak from the heart, Tod says he will be the laughing stock of the town if he tells what Colton says.

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Colton habla con la mama y le cuenta que vio a la hermana que no nacio, la esposa queda embarazada, y Tod se decide a hablar en la iglesia y decir que el si cree que Colton fue al cielo y que Dios le dio una leccion de amor y lo unico que el tiene es que decirle a la gente que no esta sola y todos salen y lo abrazan,

Colton talks to the mother and tells her that he saw the sister that wasn't born, the wife gets pregnant, and Tod decides to speak at the church and say that he does believe that Colton went to heaven and that God gave him a lesson in love and all he has to do is tell people that he is not alone and everyone comes out and hugs him,

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