Welcome to the third periodic contest of CineTV!
Thank you for joining and writing some extraordinary pieces in the last CineTV contest: Foreign Cinema.
You can check the winners of that contest here.
And now, the time is nigh for another contest!
Contest #3: Significant TV Shows
Write about your unforgettable experience with the most cinematic, artistic, and underrated TV shows (including animated ones).
The contest idea comes from @zayedsakib. When I was talking with him about a new contest, he suggested we could do one with significant tv shows.
TV shows usually have a lower budget and they're targeted at the TV audience. We do not usually expect the shiny, polished feel of a feature film. Yet, in many cases, some TV shows become exemplary.
When I think of such shows, immediately a few names pop into my mind. Twin Peaks, Dekalog.
I lose myself in them, I submerge myself in the ethereal beauty they readily promise.
There are a few modern shows too that I find irresistible. Planet Earth II, Hannibal, Penny Dreadful, Person of Interest. Mushishi. Kino No Tabi.
There are also single-season mini-series like Band of Brothers, Parades End, Paranoia Agent. that rocked my world, moved me deeply.
I believe these shows can compete in the highest arena for their innate greatness.
And I know many of you have such shows you would like to talk about with fervent enthusiasm!
This contest is then, for you!
Winners and prizes
This contest will have 3 winners and 1000 CINE in prizes, sponsored by @notacinephile and @zayedsakib. They will be distributed as follows.
1ST Place — 500 CINE
2ND Place — 300 CINE
3RD Place — 200 CINE
- You have to post from our frontend
- The entries should be written in English (manual translation is okay, if you want to write it in another language first, however auto-translation using an automatic machine like deepL will not be accepted.)
- Entries should contain at least 350 words.
- The post title should include [CineTV Contest: Significant TV Shows]". For example, [CineTV Contest: Significant TV Shows] Your Title Here.
- Use #cinetvcontest among your tags.
- Include a link to this post somewhere in your entry.
- Put down a comment with the link of your entry on this post below.
- The submission deadline is 26th July 2021, 11:59 PM, UTC time.
Evaluation and Some Tips
Posts containing only the plot will be disregarded.
You can use these prompts as a helping hand but you're free to go however you want.
► What you loved or hated about it.
► How it influenced you (and/or people around you).
► What part of it you found most interesting.
► Any scene that still pops into your mind.
► Performance of the actors/actress that left an impression.
► Why do you think it's significant and great.
You're free to include multiple shows in your entry.
There's no need to be mechanical. Write with a free hand. We might overlook if you forget to do a step or two stated in the rules (except the first one).
- We'll evaluate the posts based on the writing quality, title selection, sincerity, and faithfulness to the spirit of the contest.
Happy Writing then! Blog on!
The cover photo is edited in photoshop.
Join CineTV on Discord - Invite Link

Here's my entry:
Thanks for participating! :) !PIZZA
$PIZZA@thisismylife! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @notacinephile.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (2/10)
Great contest topic! I reblogged and spent some of my POINTS to promote this on Ecency. It will be in the sponsored post rotation for 2 days and will be seen by more people.
Many thanks and much appreciated!
This sounds like fun. I'll need to put on my thinking cap and remember to write something up. I've not yet participated in these type of postings
My entry can be found here, good luck to all.
Let it be the maiden one then. :) Good luck.
Sopranos is a great show no doubt. :) Before I read your post, let me just say out of context, I always had a crush on Dr. Melfi! 😅
$PIZZA@buffalobison! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @notacinephile.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (1/10)
Well, I took my time, but here it is!
Finally I managed to actually post it on :D
Thank you so much and sorry for the delay, I hope you have a great time reading it.
Hi, folks!
Here is my post:
my entry:
Thanks for participating! :) !PIZZA
$PIZZA@fieryfootprints! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @notacinephile.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (3/10)
Great topic for a new contest, I decided to write about one of my favorite series of all time, Black Mirror.
I love Black Mirror. Great show indeed!
Hope you like it.Hello sir, I like to join this contest and here is my blog
Thanks for participating! :)
$PIZZA@sabujdip! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @notacinephile.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (4/10)
Post link
Thanks for participating! :) !PIZZA
$PIZZA@dwixer! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @notacinephile.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (1/10)
What is going on?
Some technical issues with hive-engine, will be solved soon enough.
If you want to publish right now, you can use peakd or and post directly to the cinetv community (, which is the as posting via the front-end.
But the rules says... :S besides i will not get tokens if i do that.... Would i?
You will get the tokens :) And the post will also show up on CineTV front end.
Just post in the CineTV community, that will not violate the rule. :)
At anyrate, the front end should be functioning now.
Oh, then it was worth the wait :)
Is alredy posted now :) How i Met your mother was my pick :)
Here's my entry
Thank you. !PIZZA
$PIZZA@surrealfia! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @notacinephile.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (5/10)
Thank you too
Well... I guess it's time to work again, haha!
Yes! Hoping to read something cool from you. :)
Wiseagent where is my invite to this contest, you promise me a mention :(
I will go with how i met your mother, that show saved my life Literally.
Good luck mate!
Where is yours? im still waiting XD
Oh man, this is one up my sleeve, but honestly, I can't choose which one to write about as there are quite a few that really stood out and got me sucked in from the first moment lol..
You are free to choose multiple :)
Happy writing!
So I can enter more than once, you mean? That would make it easier haha..
No, you can only enter once. But your entry can have multiple shows. :)
Hi, I love movies and series and my language is Spanish.
I can't use Deepl? to make my post.
Do I have to know English to participate?
Currently, there are no Spanish-speaking team members with us at the moment, so it is quite impossible for us to judge a post written in Spanish.
And since, prose is one of the main categories of evaluation, we're not accepting deepL translations for this one.Hello, @eve66
However, the situation might change in the upcoming contests and we will state so in the announcements.
Thanks for your interest. :)
$PIZZA@eve66! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @notacinephile.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (1/10)
Hi I love the pizza thank you @pizzabot
Hi, thank you very much @notacinephile, @jcrodriguez is excellent
I have some memories of very good series, the one with the most HULk, and I am going to see what the others write, I no longer have luck in the contests :-))
That aside, the memories ought to be worth sharing. :)