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RE: Cast Away (2000) :Tom Hanks Awesome Movie Of Inspiration.

in CineTV4 years ago


What the sportstalk guys are talking about isn't without merit.
I don't know whether "tag abuse" is a real thing or hivewatchers take actions against such tag use, since it's a tribe thing and tribe moderators have far more control over who can post to their tribe.
At any rate, I don't think Hivewatchers should involve themselves in such a case.

However, using a tag where it's not warranted is a bad practice. It is seen as reward maximizing. Some posts do go with multiple communities, for example, a film-related post is alright in cinetv and proofofbrain, but certainly not in leofinance.
On the other hand, creativecoin, neoxian these are general tribes, and not specific. Everyone uses them.

As for cinetv, people who consistently write posts unrelated to film and tv shows and use cine tags, gets muted. Permanently.