
I bounce around from service to service as they offer deals. I got Showtime for I think like $4 a month for 3 months. I'll cancel that when the offer ends then look for the next good deal. Probably CBS next because of the new season of Picard! I'll binge that, then cancel and look for something else. It also seems to keep my supplied with good content doing it this way. I keep Amazon Prime because free shipping plus the streaming service. Then I'll usually have one other streaming service I subscribe to. My Netflix account is shared. 🤣

That's the smart thing to do! We got Prime and currently Netflix, for a while it was Hulu, I think? But we don't watch that much so it would take us too long to get through a series definitely not within a freebie - LOL

Yeah, I've been watching far too much TV lately. I'm sure I'll stop once the nice weather gets here.