Monkey Man (2024) - A Brutal and Thought-Provoking Film Review

in CineTV2 days ago

The movie is called Monkey Man. Monkey Man movie director and main actor Dev Patel. Whenever the trailer came out, comparisons were being made to John Wick, as the action was very similar, and Dev Patel's looks and suits were very similar to John Wick. There is also a dog in the movie, which doesn't die.

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Opening Scene and Flashback Technique

The movie will grab your attention right from the start. Begins with a flashback scene, where a mother is narrating the story of Hanuman to her child. The whole scene is out of focus because it was a flashback scene. It was a memory, memory fades most of the time. Almost all the flashback scenes in the movie are shot like this, but before going into the cinematography, let's talk about the storytelling, which is the main part of this movie.

Storytelling Approach

The movie uses linear storytelling, showing scenes from the present and the past together. Where you will be told what is the reason behind what the lead character Arya is doing. Suspense is created in the beginning of the movie in 10-15 minutes by repeatedly showing flashback scenes. But it is not so difficult to predict, what happened to the lead character Bhobi. Well, Bhobi felt that Dev Patel's real name is not revealed in the whole movie. The name Bhobi tells other people his name after seeing the bleach bottle. This movie is Bhabhi's revenge story, where there is a commentary on politics of the world, bad aspects of the world, sadistic people and morality.

Themes and Symbolism

There are many themes in this storytelling, one of which is violence. A child sees something in his childhood, after which only violence remains in his life. This is one of the reasons for losing the innocence of his life. A child who used to listen to the story of Hanuman, now he is a crazy murderer. How powerful people exploit the powerless—this is a theme of that movie, which Bhobi wants to stop. Now you will see in the movie whether he can succeed or not.

There is a lot of symbolism in the storytelling of this movie. Bhavi is often seen wearing a mask in the movie. Mask can have two meanings. The first is his willpower and energy being compared to Hanuman. Then Bhobi hides his anger and his identity through a mask. He wants to forget who he is. Remember this line of mine—He needs to remember who he is. In this movie you are told the story of Hanuman is the motivation of that kid, but when the kid grows up it can be completely different and very polar. This is why we question Bhabi and ask ourselves—is what we see correct? I love this complexity in this movie. I mean there are a lot of questions in this movie, which this movie doesn't give us, we have to find out for ourselves.

Direction and Cinematic Execution

Monkey Man's storytelling is thought-provoking and powerful. Your reactions to what is happening on the screen will be questioned. Moving to all the technical aspects, Dev Patel has set fire to his directorial debut. You will feel that this movie is made by a genius, because the level of editing done in this movie and the level of screenplay that the movie has, has taken the movie to a unique level. This is the next level. Beat Rana Singh, Beat Queeny or some kids are also shown from inside, who abuse each other badly. This movie refers to John Wick and the action scenes in this movie coincide with John Wick. The cinematography of this movie is very beautiful. When the fight scenes are going on, the camera work is very quick, cuts very quickly. Smoky background - this means that as many fights take place in the ring, there is no background, only smoke and smoke. It gives a dramatic feel, which is very nice. When our character forgets his way, his flashback scene is shown, the cinematography is very beautiful.

Action Sequences

The main point of this movie is action scenes, but it's not like John Wick. In John Wick the action is continuous with some of the stories. Every John Wick movie has action, but the action in this movie is raw. But it seems that a man can do it and the action is much more violent. In this movie one actor eats another actor's nose. This is a whole new level of BDSM. It is good that the tongue is not eaten, otherwise the safe word could not be said. I think the flashy action frequency could have been used, but it was a good decision not to. Because this movie makes a commentary on the difference between upper class, lower class i.e. rich and poor, where some bad scenes are shown. I like the action there. This scene connected with the theme of this movie, did not let the connection break.

Character Development

I don't think the other characters are great in this movie, but I like Alphonso. No character in the movie has closure—either they die, or they never know where they came from or where they went. The climax of this movie is very loose, seems like a lot of lazy writing. Because a popular person, who is supposed to have security around him at all times, seems to have the biggest security in the country, but in the climax of the movie, he is seen sitting alone on a floor, but the reason is unknown.

Background Music and Sound Design

The background music of this movie will not impress you so much. It could have been better in many places, but they used Hollywood songs. According to me, they could have used Bollywood songs, which would have fit well with this movie, which showcases the desi style. I didn't like it that much, but you might like it. Listening to Anirudh's music has become a bad habit.

Final Thoughts

Monkey Man is not for everyone. This movie is very brutal. This movie shows very bad aspects, which I think not everyone will want to watch. On top of that this movie is very sad, it will make you cry. But Dev Patel gives a very strong performance, especially for his physical intensity.

You must watch this movie. If you want to know how smoking and revenge are used in movies, then do research on it.