Immediately i read this week topic my mind went straight to professor in Money Heist. The interesting part is that some people might argue that he his not a villian but i totally disagree, even thou the movie tried to portray him as a genius and made him likeable he his still a bank robber and a villian.
Well incase you dont know who the professor is, he his a main chracter in the movie called Money Heist he his the smart one that organize the heist and bring in people that will carry out the plan, but he never enters the bank.
► What you loved or hated about it?
Well like we all know no matter how bad anybody is, there is always something to like or love about them especially a movie character. So one thing i love about the professor character will be how loyal he his to the heist and his crew always thinking through on different possible ways things might go wrong during the heist and always having a plan ready.
► How it influenced you (and/or people around you)?
Well i cant really say the Proffessor influenced me in a certain way, definitely not influencing me to carry out a perfect heist but one thing i took from his character is never miss work with pleasure, because there were some situation he was not able to put a balance between the two and ended up almost killing him.
► Any scene that still pops into your mind?
It hard for me to pinpoint a certian scene of the professor in all the episodes or seasons but my best scenes will be when and how he always talks with the police negotiator, his use of words is always exceptional during those scenes.
Like i already said picking The Professor as my best vilian didnt need any doubt or over thinking, i love his character and the story behind the character.
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Thank you, see you next time.
Hola, yo pensé que en esta película el villano se iba a dejar ver la cara con la protagonista, pero no fue así.
Sin duda genial el personaje del profesor un malo que se robo el corazón de las mujeres, con su porte y su inteligencia. Muchísimo éxito y un abrazote @phenomenal1052
Without a doubt, the character of the professor, a bad guy who stole the hearts of women, with his bearing and intelligence, was great. Much success and a hug @phenomenal1052
Totally agree, and i also want to say that i like the mechanic of showing villains side of the history! Like in this case, is cool to see something different!
Good post, thanks for sharing!