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RE: (Eng/Esp) 3D cinema falls into oblivion 🎬

in CineTV6 months ago (edited)


The great conflict that I notice in the overwhelming majority of people about this aspect is that we are already overwhelmingly accustomed to 2D and something that plays against 3D is precisely the experience you mention, trying to adapt as it takes us away from paying attention to the story that is seen in the end what decides that we return to repeat the experience, if we see a movie in 3D and it affects us to such an extent that distracts us more, the experience is bad and we will not repeat it again.

The 3D can have better application in other things but the cinema is delicate because it is a matter of attention, it is like having a person in front in the cinema that stops constantly. I think something like that is one of the things that has played against 3D, I have not had the experience unfortunately and something positive is that the glasses look great, I would love to take pictures with some of them, I need to have that experience well because it is part of the cinema


El gran conflicto que noto en la aplastante mayoría de personas sobre este aspecto es que ya estamos aplastantemente acostumbrados al 2D y algo que le juega en contra al 3D es precisamente la experiencia que comentas, al tratar como de adaptarse pues nos aleja de prestar atención a la historia que se ve que es a la final lo que decide que volvamos a repetir la experiencia, si vemos una película en 3d y nos afecta a tal punto que nos distrae de mas, la experiencia es mala y no la volveremos a repetir

El 3D puede tener mejor aplicación en otras cosas pero el cine esta delicado porque es cuestión de atención, es como tener una persona al frente en el cine que se para constantemente. Pienso algo así es una de las cosas que ha jugado en contra del 3D, no he tenido la experiencia lamentablemente y algo positivo es que los lentes lucen geniales, me fuera encantado tomarme fotos con algunos, me falta tener esa experiencia bien bien porque es parte del cinema