Había algo en mi que me decía que tenía que ver esta película, para mi sorpresa era una precuela, y menos mal que empecé por mirar está antes que "El ejército de los zombies" porque seguramente no lo hubiese visto. No después de ver el final, pero bueno voy a empezar por donde se debe empezar.
Lo primero que puedo decir de esta película es que me sorprendí un poco, porque una vez que vi el papel principal, pensé que iba a hacer una película enteramente de comedia, claro no es que se dejó a un lado esto, porque realmente me rei mucho sobre todo por las expresiones de este personaje y sus gritos, pero además tiene un lado romántico y una historia interesante.
Creo que nunca en mi vida había visto una película donde se enfocara más en quien abre una caja fuerte, mucho menos que hubiese un concurso para ver quien era el mejor abriendo cajas, algo que me hizo pensar que el escritor del guión o libreto es muy creativo.
A pesar de que no me sé la historia sobre el creador de las cajas fuertes, creo que de una supe a qué se refería, era como si estuviese contando su propia historia en conjunto con las vivencias del pasado histórico, llevándolo a su vez al arte de sus habilidades, y sobre todo a lo que estaba sacrificando o sacrificó, que en este caso era su propia familia. Así que, estando en sus zapatos, creo que también hubiese tomado la misma decisión por muy terrorífica que fuese.
Sin embargo, este ladrón demuestra y representa con orgullo a ese hombre, y se le nota la pasión con la que lo hace. Por un momento lo hace ver como simple inspiración y un reto, sin embargo nunca espero que se llevará a cabo y mucho menos en plan de robo, pero bueno, al final fue partícipe de todo esto.
En el transcurso de la película entiendes porque es necesario un personaje cómico, dado que cuando se presenta ante el grupo de ladrones, vemos que ninguno de ellos tiene algún tipo de carisma, a excepción de la chica más peligrosa que le ha reclutado. Ambos hicieron una conexión muy buena, para ella se veía que llenaba ese vacío oscuro que tenía, y para él una simple chica que a pesar de hacer cosas malas, merecía una oportunidad.
Sin embargo los celos de otros hacen que todo se complique y no solo eso, además de lidiar con cosas personales, todos están prófugos de la justicia.
There was something in me that told me I had to see this movie, to my surprise it was a prequel, and thank goodness I started by watching it before "Army of Zombies" because I surely would not have seen it. Not after seeing the ending, but well I'm going to start where it should start.
The first thing I can say about this movie is that I was a little surprised, because once I saw the main role, I thought I was going to make a movie entirely of comedy, of course not that this was left aside, because I really laughed a lot especially for the expressions of this character and his screams, but it also has a romantic side and an interesting story.
I don't think I've ever seen a movie that focused more on who opens a safe, much less a contest to see who was the best at opening boxes, something that made me think that the script writer is very creative.
Even though I don't know the story about the creator of the safes, I think I knew at once what he was referring to, it was as if he was telling his own story in conjunction with the experiences of the historical past, bringing him in turn to the art of his abilities, and above all to what he was sacrificing or sacrificed, which in this case was his own family. So, being in his shoes, I think I would also have made the same decision no matter how terrifying it was.
However, this thief proudly demonstrates and represents that man, and you can see the passion with which he does it. For a moment he makes it look like simple inspiration and a challenge, however I never expected it to be carried out and much less in the plan of robbery, but well, in the end he was a part of it all.
In the course of the film you understand why a comic character is necessary, given that when he introduces himself to the group of thieves, we see that none of them have any kind of charisma, except for the most dangerous girl who recruited him. They both made a very good connection, for her it was seen to fill that dark void he had, and for him a simple girl who despite doing bad things, deserved a chance.
However the jealousy of others makes everything complicated and not only that, in addition to dealing with personal things, they are all fugitives from justice.
Personalmente me encanto las reacciones del protagonista dado que su emoción se veía algo muy natural, por eso digo que fue un papel muy necesario, dado que hablamos de un enorme desafío que él se había impuesto, abrir esas cajas fuertes, algo que no podía hacer cualquier persona, y digamos que esa misma pasión lo sintió la chica que lo reclutó.
Personally I loved the reactions of the protagonist since his emotion seemed very natural, that's why I say it was a very necessary role, since we are talking about a huge challenge he had set himself, to open those safes, something that not just anyone could do, and let's say that the same passion was felt by the girl who recruited him.
Como les había dicho al inicio, El ejército de Ladrones era una precuela de esta siguiente película que a mi en particular me decepcionó por completo. Puede que sea una cuestión de gusto, pero en mi vida había visto tanta sangre en una película de zombies, y nada tan descabellado como el hecho de que se pueda procrear entre ellos. En fin, son varios puntos que sencillamente no me terminaron de convencer.
As I had told you at the beginning, The Army of Thieves was a prequel to this next movie, which I in particular was completely disappointed. Maybe it's a matter of taste, but in my life I had never seen so much blood in a zombie movie, and nothing as crazy as the fact that they can procreate with each other. In short, there are several points that simply didn't convince me.
Sin embargo, estaba allí el mismo ladrón de cajas fuertes, aunque no le dieron mucho protagonismo, sino más bien a una relación de padre e hija, tuvo su papel interesante, dado que fue la continuación de su más grande hazaña, la de ser la persona que abriera las 4 cajas fuertes.
However, the safecracker himself was there, although he was not given much of a starring role, but more of a father-daughter relationship, he had his interesting role, since it was the continuation of his greatest feat, that of being the person who opened the 4 safes.
Esta película era muy predecible, incluso la vi con mi pareja e hicimos apuestas sobre quienes iban a morir primero, y cabe destacar que ambos apostamos siempre por las mismas personas, lo peor de todo es que ambos terminamos ganando, pues como le dije, el trayecto de la película en conjunto con cada papel hace que las cosas sean muy obvias tratándose de una película de zombie suicida.
This movie was very predictable, I even watched it with my partner and we made bets on who would die first, and it is worth noting that we both always bet on the same people, the worst part is that we both ended up winning, because as I told you, the journey of the movie as a whole with each role makes things very obvious dealing with a suicide zombie movie.
Yo quedé con una incógnita sobre el paradero del hombre que abre las cajas fuertes, algunos dicen que lo que se vio es lo obvio, pero según el final, me hace pensar miles de cosas de las cuales espero que si hay una tercera parte el director se aproveche de ello. Pues para lograr tal cosa, después de tanto tiempo, me parece muy tonto ese final.
I was left with an unknown about the whereabouts of the man who opens the safes, some say that what was seen is obvious, but according to the ending, it makes me think of a thousand things of which I hope that if there is a third part the director takes advantage of it. Well, to achieve such a thing, after so much time, I find that ending very silly.
Se tiene que explicar el origen de este hombre mutado o zombie, pues a mi parecer se ve como una mutación dado que puede razonar, sentir e incluso procrear, cosa que como les dije antes, me parece absurdo. Sin embargo hay algo interesante en esta laguna de ideas, pues, en la precuela quedaron cosas pendientes, y definitivamente en esta película también, por lo que espero nuevamente que haya otra parte más.
The origin of this mutated man or zombie has to be explained, because in my opinion it looks like a mutation since he can reason, feel and even procreate, which as I said before, seems absurd to me. However, there is something interesting in this gap of ideas, because, in the prequel there were some things left pending, and definitely in this movie as well, so I hope again that there will be another part more.
La participación de latinos en esta película estuvo muy bien, a pesar de que no duró mucho, pero creo que faltó esa chispa de comedia, y es algo que no se logró por no darle más atención o enfoque al ladrón de cajas fuertes.
The participation of Latinos in this movie was very good, even though it didn't last long, but I think it lacked that spark of comedy, and it's something that wasn't achieved by not giving more attention or focus to the safecracker.
Ya veremos si habrá una tercera parte, pues el objetivo de cierto modo se logró, obtener la muestra de sangre, pero para entender este último análisis, tienes que mirar la película, empezando por la precuela para que no te sientas del todo mal.
We'll see if there will be a third part, because the goal was achieved in a way, to get the blood sample, but to understand this last analysis, you have to watch the movie, starting with the prequel so you don't feel completely wrong.
Watched it. But felt like there's something missing. Like, I would like to see some more character and character build up too.
Good to read your writing.
I totally agree with you, that's something that was also missing in this movie (I'm referring to the second one).
We literally just watched Army of Thieves today! 😆 When it finished my husband tells me it's the prequel to Army of the Dead, which he didn't think was very good. We enjoyed this one, though. I'm might give the other one a miss with you beng the second person to to say it isn't that great.
Thank God you saw the prequel first, because I'll say it again, the second movie sucks, it's a disaster, beyond the blood, there is nothing to tell and the connection of the first part is lost.
Interesting movie!!!thanks for this post!!!!
I stand corrected, movies! Ahahahaha.
Nice review. I was thinking about watching Army of Thieves, but was hesitating because I didn't like Army of the dead much (mostly for reasons you mentioned). I'll give the first one a try now.
Undoubtedly, the prequel is much more interesting than that bloody movie. Thanks for ur support!
Did you ever watch Army of Thieves? I just saw it the other night and I really enjoyed it. The main character breaking out of the monotony of his day job was very inspiring.
Another great movie about thieves that just came out is Red Notice. Ryan Reynolds, Gal Gadot, and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
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@roadstories! The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.Was just looking for reviews after I recently watched this movie and found yours. Nice post! I enjoyed reading it, thanks for translating to English.