Cine TV Contest: IF I AM PRESIDENT 🤵

in CineTV3 months ago


I may be wrong, but I believe many people, especially Nigerians, will be hearing about this movie for the first time, although it’s been out since 2018. I would recommend IF I AM PRESIDENT movie to political analysts and every movie lover reading my post.


The setting of the movie is clearly Nigeria, exposing corrupt practices of politicians and other decadence in bodies and sectors of the Nigerian government.

The movie further exposes the presence of Godfatherism and cabals in the political structure of Nigeria, many of whom see themselves as gods who no one can question and monarchical authorities under democratic government. All these are according to the movie.

Zinachi Ohams, Zina for short, is a presidential candidate for one of the upcoming elections in his country. As a youth with vibrance and a great vision for his beloved country, he decided to go against all norms in order to achieve his aim.

Under the aegis of the Nigerian Rebirth Party, he decided to run his campaign with the support of his wife (Michelle Ohams), daughter (Muna Ohams), and party members.

Zina's heroic and daring confidence, later got him the support of his popular friends and extended family. He at some point got the attention of the president when his opponents tried to play dirty. Although he was able to win the battle, it came at a very painful cost, which almost took his life and that of his family in a fatal accident.

Due to betrayal by his campaign manager (Martins), Zina lost 22 of his supporters at a protest he never led. In the end, the political culprits were brought to book, and I really wish this will be the case in reality.

Lots of suspense and emotional scenes in the movie. The moment Zina and his family had an accident and it seemed they would lose their lives. Later, Zina came back to life, then Michelle, and finally, their daughter, Muna.


The emotional part was where their daughter was said to have lost her legs after the accident, but Zina was optimistic that she would walk again. Thankfully, she did, and Muna even made an emotional and encouraging statement when she revealed her ability to walk.

At a moment when Zina thought he had to back out of his fight and vision for a better Nigeria, Muna’s encouraging words gave him the strength to get back on his feet just like his daughter.

Another interesting moment was when a contending presidential candidate stepped down in order to support Zina. She revealed the reason for her interest in politics, which was the fact that she lost her only child, who studied abroad, to a terrorist attack in Nigeria, which she believed wouldn’t have taken the life of her son if the Nigerian government was in order.

The painful death of her son led her to politics, and according to her, she sees the vibrant spirit of her son in Zina. She not only stepped down but later supported Zina with 25 million naira.

What I disliked about the movie was how the lady, Cindy, who accused Zina of rape and later found to be a lie planted by opposition party and politically corrupt leaders, was left to go unpunished. Such a person should not go scot-free and should be dealt with to serve as a deterrent to others with such intention.

I will say the whole movie had a positive influence on me. I had always been a patriotic Nigerian and will forever be. The lesson I got here, however, is to take steps with caution.

The protest that got 22 people killed could have been prevented if the people listened to Zina and never followed the culprit, Martins, in staging the protest. Although he was later arrested but not dead like those who lost their lives.

I believe the movie is significant because it captures the Nigerian political setting and is well seasoned with interesting scenes and scripts.

The whole cast was on point; they delivered the goods on acting, gestures, reactions, etc. Overall, it is an excellent movie, and I would recommend it to everyone, just like I said earlier.


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My pleasure 🤗🤗🤗🙏🙏🙏