Starting my long awaited weekend after a hectic week with such an emotional and interesting movie such as the "LAST BREATH." Really made me fulfilled. Though, the film was an emotional one to me and not only that, the movie was not in anyway an action movie as I have thought, but with the setting and the plot with the way the characters performed their different roles, the movie really made my day and I'm happy to start my weekend on a good note with such an interesting movie.
The movie "Last breath" as directed by Alex Parkinson and written by Parkinson, Mitchell LaFortune and David Brooks featured great characters as seen in the movie. Such characters as seen in the movie are: Chris, Morag, David, Duncan, Craig, Hannah, captain Jenson and others. All these characters performed their roles to the best of their ability and it would even be difficult to pinpoint the major character in the movie as all the characters are major.
The movie started with a prologue telling us about the gas pipeline underneath the sea and how to repair it. Not only that, we were also told about the toughest job on earth which has to be the divers job whom are the one that also repairs the gas pipe underneath the sea.
So, after this, another scene where a man named Chris and his fiance name Morag were seen together discussing and bidding themselves farewell was shown to us and it's after that, that Chris left to join the ship at the port and getting to the port, one can see how Chris was good in relating with people as he was just greeting and saluting everyone that comes his way.
Immediately after all these, the group of divers were arranged at a place on the ship and were given instructions by their instructor and after which they were all grouped into three in teams. So, after the grouping, they all left for their pressurized chamber which was onboard the ship as well, it was their they received instruction on the their rotational duty and after that, the first team which was team A were asked to go first. And it was in their operation that something went wrong with the ship system and one of the two divers which happened to be Chris was left stranded due to the slack of his umbilical cord after the drifting of the ship from the work site.Though the first diver, Dave by name was able to navigate his way back to the diving bell but, Chris couldn't.
But, before he navigated his way to the diving bell, he has promised to come back for Chris who was left with ten minute oxygen to breath with. But after everything, the system of the ship DPS collapsed and the comms of the ship did not function again. The captain and the crew decided to go manually and it's when they went manually that they were able to restore the system and the comms including the lighting on the ship. This was done by the DPO of the ship.
But when this was ongoing, one of the the crew had tried to rescue Chris with the use of the ROV, which they normally used to recover dead bodies from the sea, but all to no avail, but when normalcy was restored, the first Diver in the person of David did as he has promised and was able to recover Chris back to the diving bell while still alive, though, he's been out of oxygen for 29 minutes which has made him unresponsive after being rescued, but when all hope was lost about his responsiveness, he came back to life by calling on David, it was after this that everyone on the ship jumped for joy, having been down for what has befell one of their Divers whom was brought back to life by both Duncan through his mouth to mouth resuscitation method and chris who went after him and took him from the top of the manifold.
So, after all the rescue operation, Chris was being treated in the chamber and after sometime, he left for home to meet his fiancee whom he narrated everything that happened on board to,
So, it's in the epilogue that we were been told that three weeks after, the trio of Dave, Chris, and Duncan went back to the depth of the Northsea which was about 300feets to complete their unfinished work which they've started.
The movie is an emotional movie which talks about love all round and this can be seen right from the first scene of the movie between Chris and his fiance and the 100% love plot of the movie can also be seen on board among the crews and even the divers, this can be seen as to when Dave promised to come back for Chris which he eventually did afterwards, even when his own life was also as stake.
Resilience is another high point of the movie and this can be seen in the crew not giving up on rescuing Chris, which was made possible by everyone onboard. Also, resilience can also be seen at the end of the movie when the trio went to finish their uncompleted job they've started.
Also, technology was at its peak in the movie, as everything that's done was done with the use of technology.The setting and the cinematography were top notched
Risking of one's life can be seen in the movie as well, this can be seen in the way those divers risked their life in repairing the gas pipeline underneath the Northsea. Though, it's the nature of their job, but one thing I think should have been done before they venture into such an adventure is to make an adequate measure for the repair to be a success, though, I think that's what they later did, but it would have been out of hand if not for Duncan and Dave
Also, the occupational or professional technologies as being used in the movie should have been better explained otle interpreted for better understanding of the audience.
I would like to rate the movie 8/10
Thanks for reading.
Poster picture sourced.
All other images are screenshots from the movie.
Posted using CineTV