
in CineTV3 days ago

There are a lot of things I can do. I can sing, dance, be incredibly heartless, laugh at pretty much everything, with enough time, make pretty much everyone laugh and I can make awfully good noodles. There are some things that I can't do to, yet what stands right on top of that list is me noting a good old movie that I thoroughly enjoyed and not watch it.
I already had plans for today, I'd decided to watch and write on the award winning animation Flow, yet when I transferred the movie I downloaded from my phone to my laptop, I noticed Disney Brave, a movie probably put in by my sister, and just like that my plans for the night had changed.



Merida is the rash yet courageous princess of DunBrock and she's about to go through the worst trials of her life, her mother getting her hand put up for marriage.
To escape such a stifling fate, Merida goes to a witch to find a spell that'll change her mother and help her escape the proposals.
Yet Merida is about to find out that magic spells aren't all that they seem and that a fate changed doesn't mean it's a fate bettered.

It's quite clear. When Disney and Pixar team up on something, it's hardly ever a miss.
I remember watching this show in 2015, I remember simply how starstruck I was by the movie.
From the Scottish songs to the accents and the full movie outlook.
Disney's Princess's is one gimmick that Disney has going and it's a list that just keeps on adding from Cinderella to Moana and in every princess we get to see new characters.
I'd have to say it, that Merida is possibly my best Princess, although my introduction to the Disney Princess lifestyle wasn't my choice, being an only boy with 3 other sisters meant a very one sided voting process during movie nights.
Regardless of all the Disney princesses, I feel Merida's story is the most relatable. A 16 year old who is scared of her life changing, who's mother doesn't listen and in turn who doesn't know how to listen to her mother.
This stage of teenage years is one almost everybody has passed through in some way or the other, simply because of that, this movie was able to appeal to the masses and in particular to me.
The lore was one touch that I loved too. The story about the four brothers and the fact that Merida made the same mistake, got the same spell from the same witch but was able to learn from the past.
This was a wholesome movie that leaves such an emotional impact that it's a must watch for kids and anyone else.
I rate it a storming 9 out of 10✨❤️




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Posted using CineTV


According to so many reviews, Merida is their favourite Disney princess. I haven't watched it yet so I don't know. Oops, I just told you a secret. Keep it!

You haven't watched it?


De verdad que antes las películas eran mejores, ahora son mediocres (en su mayoría), pero bueno ¿qué se puede hacer verdad?. De igual forma siempre estarán estas como un recuerdo honorífico del tiempo dorado de las películas de Disney

Si lo menos que podemos hacer es recordar lo mejor.