Yeah it wasn’t very exciting but you’re right: that colorful fire ninjutsu scene was pretty awesome looking.
I just checked the manga because I haven’t read it in over a year and it looks like the anime added some nice flare to that scene of him activating his flame jutsu —although the instant of Gabimaru sitting atop the pile of burnt bodies looks a little better in the manga compared to the anime:
I saw online somewhere that it’s ranked number three or four for new anime, which is pretty decent, so I’m thinking we get a lot more action in the other two available episodes. Can’t wait to watch them at lunch or when I get home at the end of the day lol. It was definitely one of those series with a wide cast of colorful characters with interesting backstories and different abilities.
Oh wow, the manga sure looks amazing! Well, animes and manga have their own charms.
TBH I immediately thought of Demon Slayer when he showed his powers.
It's ranked #9 in Netflix Japan now in the overall ranking and 3rd in the anime category so it's pretty popular.