I relate to seeing the world too much in black and white, and now it seems like I see far more nuance in everything than everyone else. It's pretty funny.
One of the movie scenes that affected me the most was in pay it forward when the kid is blowing Kevin Spacey's mind with his philosophy of contagious generosity. It was very formative for me, and I always attempt to go above and beyond in helping others.
I learned paying it forward from life. I saw my mental health increase incredibly after paying it forward. I wish I had learned it sooner.
I can think of few things more exhausting, rewarding, and perspective-changing than going to do charity work to help our fellow humans. I've done afterschool work with children in very poor school districts, worked in soup kitchens, and helped distribute clothes. It's exhausting, uncomfortable, and joyful beyond imagination. We are hardwired to care for one another and take care of one another.