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RE: Beautiful Disaster-A beautiful movie[Movie Review]

in CineTV3 months ago

I might not be an avid reader but i always refer to read the book before the movie adaptation. The movies are mostly watered down and lack as much thrill. I have no plans of reading the book for this film, however, I'll try to see the movie.
I'm interested to know how bad Arby's past and addiction were.


I know, it's always best to read the book first before the movie. But low-key, I'd say if you want to see the particular movie,choose one. The book or the movie. Cause if you want to do both, you'd end up comparing them and you won't enjoy it cause you might be irked out about how the characters are acting it on screen and might be disappointed about how they removed some key point from the book in the movie... It's an exhausting chore