I couldn't believe that this anime is almost older than I am. I kept it on the shelf to watch it later for various reasons. I knew I'd watch this sooner or later - it was a compulsion. It was that very compulsion that drove me to watch this and the same compulsion that made me delay. I'll make sure to explain why. Today I bring to you Grave of the Fireflies (1988). If you haven't put it on your list, be sure to do that and thank me later.
Grave of the Fireflies (1988)

Once you have seen a few of Studio Ghibli's animations, your expectations are too high - the story and the artwork are just otherworldly. The animation wasn't just advanced; it was detailed. And I became too picky while selecting animated films. Although I have seen quite a few of Miyazaki's creations, I barely watched two or three of Isao Takahata. I don't have a reason behind it. Takahata is or I should say was a brilliant director. I wanted to say so many things about this film but I'm coming up short. My previous statement still holds the truth. The film's plot is so overwhelming and the animation is just as beautiful - neither can I say enough nor my words justify its beauty.
The main characters of this film are a boy and his little sister. The film portrays the hardship they have faced and how they much they have struggled to just live to see the next day. The boy was a dutiful older brother doing what he could for his little sister. He tried protecting her in the best way he could and by the looks of things, his whole world revolved around her. The struggle he could bear and the harsh treatment from their relatives and other people, he didn't mind any of that as long as his sister wasn't facing them. Even he was slowly losing all hope and was barely clinging to life. What could he do? He was just a teenage boy with the responsibility of raising an even younger sister.
The story of two children who were cast away by their relatives after their mother died. Deceit and curse became a regular thing for the boy although he tried his best to keep those away from the little girl. The two share a strong bond. The little sister would often help her brother with chores and sometimes throw a fit for fruit loops but she loved her brother dearly. No matter how hard her brother tried, she still wasn't safe from the harsh treatment of their aunt. But she never complained about any of that to him. Then again she was just a four years old child.

About two years ago, I started the film but after a few minutes of it, I didn't go any further. I couldn't go through with it. You know how you keep a book on the shelf after reading a few pages because it's making you sad, and then you come back to it - that's what happened with me. Just after watching a few minutes, I was sure it'd get me very emotional. I couldn't bring up the courage to see it - but I wanted to. I was well aware as beautiful as this animation would be, it was going to be very a heartbreaking story. And it was. That was the compulsion I mentioned earlier. I knew I wanted to watch it and I knew it was going to be heartbreaking - it was the heartbreak that I delayed. I didn't want to watch it alone - I didn't have the strength. It broke my heart so much. Even though I usually watch the films I love 3 or 4 times, this film, I'm not certain if I'd be rewatching - it'll still sadden me a second time. After all of that, I'd recommend this film.

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This one is among the very few movies that made me emotional, my eyes were wet.
I won't, never, and I am sure about that.
Btw have you seen Miracle in cell no 7 ?
Nooo I haven't yet... Is it another sad one? Then I'll have to shelf it for one to two years you know
Hahaha, keep it on the list then, don't watch any trailers, just go for it when you feel like watching a sad one, a good one actually.
and I'm already crying 😭
Go for it ASAP.
Surprisingly enough,this has been on my "to watch" lst for years. Somehow I never got to watching it...not even snippets of it.
Someday I will get to it 🥲
DON'T watch trailers or snippets... it'll absolutely ruin the experience... it's time to check it off of your list doc